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Industrial and Engineering Sector

Fast & Friendly

4-9 employees
5 languages supported

The best translation agency in Italy!

The dutiful translator

Engels, Frans, Italiaans

Specialised Translation

4-9 employees
All languages are offered and supported

10 Years of Quality

18 languages supported

Traduzioni Giurate - Asseverate

+39 (049) 8761401
Less than 3 employees
11 languages supported

Also operating as a software developer

Translators' network

10-25 employees
9 languages supported

Enabling On-Brand Global Business

More than 500 employees
All languages are offered and supported

Accurate, professional translations

0039 070 881411
Less than 3 employees
Engels, Frans, Italiaans

Professional, Punctual and Precise

+39 3403018441
Less than 3 employees
Duits, Engels, Frans, Italiaans

Technical translations with style

Less than 3 employees
Engels, Frans, Italiaans

Words that make sense

+39 348 5315420
6 languages supported

+35-year translation/editing experience

Less than 3 employees
Engels, Spaans, Italiaans, Portugees
1,601 results found. Showing results 101120.
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