The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

スペイン語 から 英語 法(一般) Translation Glossary

スペイン語 term 英語 translation
\"cabo arriba\" loose cable
\"concepto de la infracción\" the nature of the criminal violation/offense/infringement/breach
\"cuento de la buena pipa\"/\"Mientras tanto, el dinero administrado haría lo suyo, y más de uno redondearía su agosto\" \"the never ending saga\"/\"In the meantime, the money that is managed takes on a life of its own, and many persons may avail themselves of this opportunity to make a killing\" /making hay while the sun shines.
\"de generales\" personal identification data
\"de previo y especial pronunciamiento\" as a pretrial motion
Entered by: Rebecca Jowers
\"entidad titular\" owner
Entered by: liz askew
\"Estando el Tribunal dentro de su oportunidad para decidir Having jurisdiction over
\"excepción de incompetencia\" motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction
Entered by: Wilsonn Perez Reyes
\"guardián\" de la actividad peligrosa \'legal operator\' of the hazardous activity
\"ley personal del testador\" testator\'s personal law
\"llamar a una herencia\" not being entitled/ to the husband's estate
\"me entrega una minuta firmada \" she delivers to me, a signed draft (copy)
\"no existe control de capacidad, ni de legalidad\" there is no capacity to control the content or verify its lawfulness
Entered by: patinba
\"ocultamiento y maquillaje\" \"concealment and massaging of figures\"
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
\"personalidad patrimonial\" holding of the property
\"quien procede por su propio derecho, e identifico de lo que doy fe. \" \"who is representing herself, and whose identification I have verified.
\"repiaste\" raped
\"Secretario General Municipal del H Ayuntamiento de Coyuca Municipal Secretary General of the Hono(u)rable Coyuca City Council
\"y a las cuales remito en honor\" to which I refer in the interests of brevity\"
\\\"Vistos\\\", sin informes de las partes. Case reviewed for adjudication without closing statements from the parties.
Entered by: Miriam Vargas
______________, de generales conocidas en autos del expedientes al rubro indicado I, _____________, whose identifying information is on the record in the above styled cause
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