Translation glossary: Physics

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A Física é a ciência natural que estuda a matéria, os seus constituintes fundamentais, o seu movimento e comportamento através do espaço e do tempo, e as entidades relacionadas de energia e força.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
portugalski > angielski
A Física é uma das disciplinas académicas mais antigas e, através da sua inclusão de astronomia, talvez a mais antiga.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
portugalski > angielski
A Física é uma das disciplinas científicas mais fundamentais, com o seu principal objetivo é compreender como o universo se comporta.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
portugalski > angielski
A fizika az a természettudomány, amely az anyagot, annak alapvető alkotóelemeit, mozgását és viselkedését a térben és időben, valamint az energia és az erő kapcsolódó entitásait tanulmányozza.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
węgierski > angielski
A fizika az egyik legrégebbi tudományág, és a csillagászat bevonásával talán a legrégebbi.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
węgierski > angielski
Alisfrøði er ein av teimum elstu akademiska akademiska og, gjøgnum tað, sum er elsta.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
farerski > angielski
Alisfrøði er tann nátúrliga náttúruvísindi, sum lesur málið, tess grundleggjandi constituents, tess at gera og atburður gjøgnum rúmdina og tíð, og í familjunum entities av orku og noyða.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
farerski > angielski
भौतिकी सबसे पुराने शैक्षणिक विषयों में से एक है और खगोल विज्ञान के समावेश के माध्यम से, शायद सबसे पुराना है।Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
hindi > angielski
ფიზიკა ერთ-ერთი უძველესი აკადემიური დისციპლინაა და ასტრონომიის ჩართვის გზით, ალბათ, უძველესი.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
gruziński > angielski
ფიზიკა ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე ფუნდამენტური სამეცნიერო დისციპლინაა, რომლის მთავარი მიზანია იმის გაგება, თუ როგორ იქცევა სამყარო.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
gruziński > angielski
ფიზიკის მიღწევები ხშირად საშუალებას იძლევა მიღწევები ახალ ტექნოლოგიებში.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
gruziński > angielski
Die Physik ist eine der ältesten akademischen Disziplinen und durch die Einbeziehung der Astronomie vielleicht die älteste.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
niemiecki > angielski
Die Physik ist eine der grundlegendsten wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen, deren Hauptziel es ist, zu verstehen, wie sich das Universum verhält.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
niemiecki > angielski
Eðlisfræði er ein af grundvallarvísindagreinum, þar sem meginmarkmið hennar er að skilja hvernig alheimurinn hagar sér.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
islandzki > angielski
Eðlisfræði er ein elsta fræðigreinin og með því að taka þátt í stjörnufræði kannski sú elsta.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
islandzki > angielski
Eðlisfræði er náttúruvísindin sem rannsaka efni, grundvallarþættir hennar, hreyfing hennar og hegðun í gegnum rúm og tíma og tengdar einingar orku og afls.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
islandzki > angielski
Een wetenschapper die gespecialiseerd is op het gebied van natuurkunde wordt een fysicus genoemd.A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist. 
niderlandzki > angielski
Ein Wissenschaftler, der sich auf dem Gebiet der Physik spezialisiert hat, wird Physiker genannt.A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist. 
niemiecki > angielski
Eitt vísindafólk, sum hugsavnar seg um alisfrøði, verður kallað ein alisfrøðingur.A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist. 
farerski > angielski
En forskare som specialiserat sig på fysikområdet kallas fysiker.A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist. 
szwedzki > angielski
En forsker som spesialiserer seg innen fysikk kalles en fysiker.A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
En videnskabsmand, der har specialiseret sig inden for fysik, kaldes en fysiker.A scientist who specializes in the field of physics is called a physicist. 
duński > angielski
Fizik, en eski akademik disiplinlerden biridir ve astronominin dahil edilmesiyle belki de en eskisidir.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
turecki > angielski
Fizik, maddeyi, temel bileşenlerini, uzay ve zaman boyunca hareketini ve davranışını ve enerji ve kuvvetin ilgili varlıklarını inceleyen doğa bilimidir.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
turecki > angielski
Fizik, temel amacı evrenin nasıl davrandığını anlamak olan en temel bilimsel disiplinlerden biridir.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
turecki > angielski
Fizika iň gadymy okuw terbiýeleriniň biri bolup, astronomiýany öz içine almak arkaly, belki-de iň gadymysydyr.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
turkmeński > angielski
Fizika je jedna od najstarijih akademskih disciplina i, kroz uključivanje astronomije, možda najstarija.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
chorwacki > angielski
Fizika materiýallary öwrenýän tebigy ylymlar, onuň esasy düzümleri, onuň kosmos we wagt arkaly hereket etmegi we özüni alyp barşy, energiýanyň we güýjüň baglanyşykly subýektleri.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
turkmeński > angielski
Fizika ylmy taýdan iň esasy terbiýeleriň biridir, onuň esasy maksady älemiň özüni nähili alyp barýandygyna düşünmekden ybaratdyr.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
turkmeński > angielski
Fizikanyň gazanan üstünlikleri köplenç täze tehnologiýalaryň ilerlemegine mümkinçilik berýär.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
turkmeński > angielski
Fizikteki gelişmeler genellikle yeni teknolojilerdeki ilerlemeleri mümkün kılar.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
turecki > angielski
Fizyka jest jedną z najbardziej fundamentalnych dyscyplin naukowych, a jej głównym celem jest zrozumienie, jak zachowuje się wszechświat.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
polski > angielski
Fizyka jest nauką przyrodniczą, która bada materię, jej podstawowe składniki, jej ruch i zachowanie w przestrzeni i czasie oraz powiązane byty energii i siły.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
polski > angielski
Fortschritte in der Physik ermöglichen oft Fortschritte in neuen Technologien.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
niemiecki > angielski
Framfarir í eðlisfræði stuðla oft að framförum í nýrri tækni.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
islandzki > angielski
Framsteg inom fysiken möjliggör ofta framsteg inom ny teknik.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
szwedzki > angielski
Fremskridt inden for fysik muliggør ofte fremskridt inden for nye teknologier.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
duński > angielski
Fremskridt inden for fysik muliggør ofte fremskridt inden for nye teknologier.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
duński > angielski
Fremskritt i fysikk muliggjør ofte fremskritt innen ny teknologi.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
Fysiikan kehitys mahdollistaa usein uusien teknologioiden kehittymisen.Advances in physics often enable advances in new technologies. 
fiński > angielski
Fysiikka on yksi vanhimmista akateemisista tieteenaloista ja tähtitieteen sisällyttämisen kautta ehkä vanhin.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
fiński > angielski
Fysik är den naturvetenskap som studerar materia, dess grundläggande beståndsdelar, dess rörelse och beteende genom rum och tid och de relaterade enheterna av energi och kraft.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
szwedzki > angielski
Fysik är en av de äldsta akademiska disciplinerna och, genom dess inkludering av astronomi, kanske den äldsta.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
szwedzki > angielski
Fysik är en av de mest grundläggande vetenskapliga disciplinerna, med huvudmålet att förstå hur universum beter sig.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
szwedzki > angielski
Fysik er den naturvidenskab, der studerer stof, dets grundlæggende bestanddele, dets bevægelse og adfærd gennem rum og tid og de relaterede enheder af energi og kraft.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
duński > angielski
Fysik er en af de ældste akademiske discipliner og gennem sin inddragelse af astronomi måske den ældste.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
duński > angielski
Fysik er en af de mest grundlæggende videnskabelige discipliner, hvor hovedformålet er at forstå, hvordan universet opfører sig.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
duński > angielski
Fysikk er en av de eldste akademiske disipliner, og gjennom sin inkludering av astronomi, kanskje den eldste.Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines and, through its inclusion of astronomy, perhaps the oldest. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
Fysikk er en av de mest grunnleggende vitenskapelige disipliner, med hovedmål å forstå hvordan universet oppfører seg.Physics is one of the most fundamental scientific disciplines, with its main goal being to understand how the universe behaves. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
Fysikk er naturvitenskapen som studerer materie, dens grunnleggende bestanddeler, dens bevegelse og oppførsel gjennom rom og tid, og de relaterte enhetene av energi og kraft.Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its fundamental constituents, its motion and behavior through space and time, and the related entities of energy and force. 
norweski (bokmal) > angielski
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