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Sample translations submitted: 3
English to French: Medical instrument General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English We strongly recommend that you create individual user accounts for each staff member who acquires or analyzes scans, and that staff members routinely logout to secure the instrument.
Data management mode operates independently and has no primary screen; it operates in various screens, which you access via menu options.
This area from upper left to upper middle displays basic patient information (name, ID, gender, date of birth).
Translation - French Nous recommandons vivement de créer des comptes utilisateur individuels pour chaque membre du personnel qui acquiert ou analyse des examens, et il est préférable que ces membres prennent l’habitude de se déconnecter pour sécuriser l’instrument.
Le mode de gestion des données fonctionne indépendamment et ne comporte pas d’écran principal. Il fonctionne dans plusieurs fenêtres accessibles au moyen d’options de menu.
Cette zone, en haut à gauche et au centre, affiche les informations de base du patient (nom, ID, sexe, date de naissance).
Romanian to English: Pharmaceuticals General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Pharmaceuticals
Source text - Romanian Funcţiile cardiace trebuie monitorizate în cursul tratamentului (de exemplu la fiecare trei luni).
Monitorizarea poate ajuta la identificarea pacienţilor la care apar disfuncţii cardiace şi medicul specialist trebuie să evalueze cu atenţie dozele cumulative (mg/m2) de antracicline administrate când se decide frecvenţa evaluării funcţiilor ventriculare.
Când testele evidenţiază deteriorarea funcţiilor cardiace, chiar şi asimptomatică, medicul specialist trebuie să evalueze cu atenţie beneficiile terapeutice ale continuării terapiei faţă de potenţialele afectări cardiace, incluzând posibilele afectări ireversibile.
Translation - English Cardiac function should be further monitored during treatment (e.g. every three months).
Monitoring may help to identify patients who develop cardiac dysfunction and treating physicians should carefully assess the cumulative doses (mg/m2) of anthracycline administered when making decisions regarding frequency of ventricular function assessment.
When testing indicates deterioration of cardiac function, even asymptomatic, treating physicians should carefully assess the clinical benefits of further therapy against the potential for producing cardiac damage, including potentially irreversible damage.
English to Romanian: Vehicles with all-wheel drive General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Source text - English Vehicles with all-wheel drive distribute the drive between all four wheels and thus have a higher tractive power.
They feature improved cornering behavior, as the grip at all four wheels can be better utilized.
Thus, the wheels contribute to a greater degree towards cornering stability.
These vehicles represent an improvement in driving safety and directional stability on unmetaled roads.
The tire contact force counteracts the weight force of the vehicle.
Centrifugal force acts on the vehicle when cornering.
The brakes system operates by transferring effort applied to the brake pedal by the driver to the brakes at each wheel.
The braking effort is distributed to each wheel, using a hydraulic system.
The system is assisted using a vacuum brake booster that reduces pedal effort and increases hydraulic pressure.
The parking brake operates on the rear wheels and is applied using a hand operated control.
Before carrying out any diagnosis, make sure that the brake system warning indicator is functional.
Translation - Romanian Vehiculele cu tractiune integrală distribuie tracţiunea pe toate cele patru roţi şi au astfel o putere mai mare de tracţiune.
Acestea prezintă un viraj îmbunătăţit deoarece aderenţa celor patru roţi poate fi utilizată mai eficient.
Astfel, roţile oferă un grad mai mare de stabilitate în timpul virajului.
Aceste vehicule oferă o mai mare siguranţă pe carosabil şi stabilitate direcţională pe drum.
Forţa de contact a penurilor contracarează forţa de greutate a vehiculului.
Forţa centrifugă acţionează asupra vehicului în timpul virării.
Sistemul de frânare funcţionează prin transferarea efortului aplicat la pedala de frână de către conducătorul auto la frânele de la fiecare roată.
Efortul de frânare este distribuit pe fiecare roată, folosind un sistem hidraulic.
Sistemul este asistat prin folosirea unei servofrâne cu vid, care reduce efortul şi creşte presiunea hidraulică.
Frâna de mână funcţionează pe roţile din spate şi se aplică cu o comandă manuală.
Înainte de a efectua orice diagnostic, asiguraţi-vă că indicatorul de avertizare al sistemului de frânare este funcţional.
Years of experience: 22. Registered at Apr 2008. Became a member: Nov 2009.
Romanian to French (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) French to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified) English to French (ULBS Faculty of Letters) French to English (ULBS Faculty of Letters) English to Romanian (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
Romanian to English (Romanian Ministry of Justice, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, CafeTran Espresso, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, XTM
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- Field: technical, automotive, IT, medical translator - Experience: 12 years experience as a full-time translator, more than 8,000,000 words translated until now - Skills: analytical thinking, attention to detail, logical thinking, problem solving, project management, research skills, team work - Never missed a deadline - Perfectionist - Online specialization courses:
2018: University of Minnesota - Medical Technology and Evaluation; Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Innovations 2017: Johns Hopkins University - Fundamental Neuroscience for Neuroimaging
2018: University of Toronto - Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
- Offline specialization courses:
2013-2015: Swiss WebAcademy - Web Designer and Web Developer
Keywords: english, french, technical translation, english to french technical, manuals, technical manuals, engineering, gas turbine electric generators, heat exchangers, capacitor batteries. See more.english, french, technical translation, english to french technical, manuals, technical manuals, engineering, gas turbine electric generators, heat exchangers, capacitor batteries, refrigerators and freezers, hydroelectric turbines, DC to AC power inverters, meters and measuring equipment, backup power systems, capacitor batteries, portable power systems, uninterruptible power supplies, locomotives, anesthetic equipment, medical imaging equipment, ophthalmic equipment, lab equipment, software. See less.
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