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Internet for translators Client blames me for not responding to their emails, although I have done so, every time Mail Track A great way of guarding against this, is Mail
Track, Google's follow-up tool. I use it and it
has proven of great help. Highly recommendable!
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Feb 13, 2017
Poll Discussion Poll: Are you a member of a professional translation association? Yes, IAPTI International Association of Professional
Translations and Interpreters.
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Mar 5, 2014
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you usually apply discounts for CAT tool matches? My tools are my tools I work with direct clients primarily, and they
don't know what CAT tools are. On the other hand,
when I translate UN reports, for example, my CAT
is almost useless, aside from ensuring tha
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Sep 23, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you prefer to work for local or foreign outsourcers? I'm with Henry! [quote]Henry Hinds wrote: I prefer direct
clients with only a few select outsourcers.
[/quote] Just a FEW, SELECT, FOREIGN
outsourcers and my beloved direct

María Eugenia Wachtendorff Aug 19, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you feel that this profession (translation) needs more recognition? An "Agree" button here would save space and time [quote]Muriel Vasconcellos wrote: The issues
are highly complex, as is the work that we often
do. Here is probably not the place to bring up
this messy web of issues, but certainly as l
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Aug 6, 2013
Money matters Email notification of a reduction in rates from a translation agency Me too! Please! [quote]Cristina Heraud-van Tol
wrote: [quote]Gül Kaya wrote: I am very
curious to know which agency this is. I know you
can't name them here but could someone send me a
pm? [/qu
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jul 18, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you lose potential jobs because the deadline is sooner than you can deliver? Never! [quote]neilmac wrote: Not "lose", but "refuse".
If I reject a job because the deadline is ill
thought out, implausible and hasty, then I don't
consider it a loss. [/quote] Ditto
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jul 18, 2013
Spanish Tarifas aceptables para agencias Elige tus clientes y fija tus tarifas Nunca olvides que "el papel aguanta mucho". ¡La
gente escribe lo que le conviene! El mínimo
que estamos cobrando los traductores profesionales
es diez centavos de dólar por palabra.
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jun 27, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: To find a word when specific knowledge and research isn’t enough, I fall back on: I'm with Jack [quote]Jack Doughty wrote: Agree with Emma, but
if all the suggested methods fail, you may just
have to put something like "[untraced word]" plus
a translator's note with your thoughts
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jun 9, 2013
Poll Discussion Poll: To me, translating is... Off topic: We definitely need a LIKE button here! Like Claire, I think we should have a "Like" or
maybe "Agree" button here. I would have
supported Henry Hinds, by the way. Translation is
my inborn talent and my vocation :) Cheers!
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Dec 20, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you regularly receive feedback from your clients on your work as a translator/interpreter? Never. They just keep coming back for more :) That's
what matters to me.
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Dec 7, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Think of your favourite client. What makes him/her your favourite? My favorite clients pay me what I charge, and pay on time! No other reasons in the world would make them "my
favorites" :)
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jun 9, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you update your antivirus software (even if not required)? Other - Same as Neilmac Automatic update, sometimes more than twice a day
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 26, 2012
Poll Discussion Poll: Have you ever done subtitling? Never But Oh-I-wish-I-could!!! I understand movie/TV
series subtitling as a separate specialty area.
Unfortunately, though, there seem to be very, very
few specialists :(
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jun 26, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think CAT tool knowledge is essential for translators? Yes. And the more the better [quote]Alex Lago wrote: Yes it is and not just
because of what most people think, which is TM
use, but because of a lot of things that have to
do with productivity and data backup. W
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jun 25, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your work station in perfect working conditions? Yessss! Lots of free disk space, more RAM than necessary,
and an external hard disk that's almost empty
because I keep no garbage and stick to my
by-weekly cleaning, debugging and defragmenting
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Apr 26, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When you are working on a project what distracts you the most? I agree with Amy [quote]Amy Duncan wrote: I live alone and have
no pets, so that's not a problem. None of the
other things on the list distract me, either. The
only way I can get distracted is if I'm wo
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Apr 19, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Does one "have to" be a bookworm to be a translator? You may not "have to," but reading can make all the difference :) I am proud to say that I have NEVER taken a
translation course. My mother tongue is Spanish,
but English has been my chosen second language
since I was thirteen years old. I have a
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Apr 2, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think that undergoing training in one's area of specialization is important? My thoughts exactly :) [quote]Interlangue wrote: I do not think it is
necessary to "undergo" a formal training. IMHO,
interest, curiosity and hands on are far more
important, efficient and profitable. They
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Mar 21, 2011
KudoZ Answerer can vote another answerer who offered a translation to the same question, is this fair? We are professional translators - What about fair play? This thread really gave me the creeps :( Of
course we can agree and/or disagree with other
answerers to the same question. There are cases
when several answers are possible, and we shou
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Mar 4, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you have a paper shredder? No I hardly ever print anything, and all my source
texts come by e-mail. I do print certificates I
have to deliver in print, but I check them
on-screen, so they are final copies for my cli
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Feb 5, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice translators who are out of their depth My own policy exactly! [quote]Sgolly wrote: I simply let them know
that, unfortunately, the project in question falls
outside/beyond my areas of expertise and so,
keeping both of our best interests at heart,
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 31, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: When I spot language errors in brochures, menus, ads etc. I... Cable TV A few months ago, I posted a couple of
"complaints" in two cable TV providers' web sites.
I even offered to check their Spanish translations
for free, but nobody seems to care. A LATIN<
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 23, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: As a freelancer, do you keep fixed working hours? Not at all [quote]neilmac wrote: Mainly because I don't
have young children to get up and out to school,
and I work from home, so don't need to get myself
up and out to commute/work. In the past
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 21, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How many email addresses do you use for your business? One known to everybody and two for backup purposes I give everybody -clients and personal contacts-
one address only. I have configured this account
to send copies of all incoming and outgoing
messages to my backup address (with a differen
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 14, 2011
Spanish Corrector Ortográfico/Gramatical de Español Word tiene correctores ortográficos incorporados Uso Office 2003 por recomendación del técnico
que da mantenimiento a mi equipo. En su opinión,
es la única versión que ya pasó todas las
pruebas. Este Word tiene sus propios correcto
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 14, 2011
Spanish Validez internacional de las traducciones juradas Mi experiencia Tengo entendido que depende del propósito para el
que se vaya a usar la traducción y de los
requisitos de la institución
receptora. Algunas universidades, por ejemplo,
exigen que
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 14, 2011
Business issues Duplicate content - offer discount? I agree with 50% [quote]polyglot45 wrote: Explain that you have
found a part that is virtually identical and that
you will give them a discount on it. Be perfectly
clear: you can't do those 1000 words f
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 9, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What frustrates you the most during the translation process? Poor composition, redundance, having to figure out what the author meant [quote]Krzysztof Kajetanowicz wrote: The most
annoying thing I've encountered is a text written
by somebody who apparently doesn't know their own
head from their /insert body part/.
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 8, 2011
Money matters How much should you lower your rates for large projects? Not even to direct clients! Some of my old, faithful direct clients (Chilean
companies) have entrusted me with really large
projects (some over 100,000 and just one over
600,000 words). Since I know they get other
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jan 6, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: Is your workload seasonal? Not at all I have as many clients abroad as in my own
country, so when it is vacation time here, I am
usually working for some European, North American,
or Australian agency/direct client. There a
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Dec 15, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you use Twitter? No, and I wouldn't I have Facebook for family and friends, colleagues
included. So much for social networking! For
translation industry info, this site and my local
professional association's are more tha
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Dec 9, 2010
KudoZ KudoZ related to Jobs posted Much too often! [quote]W Schoeniger wrote: Hi Lingua
5B, sorry for my poor English, but this is just
to let you know that I happen ;-)) sometimes to
see exactly the kind of "phenomenon" you
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Dec 4, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think your acquaintances/friends/family "envy" your life as a freelancer? Nobody does, even though they know I'm happy :) Everything has been said here already. I agree
with all of the pros and cons, but my family and
friends think I made the wrong choice ;)
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Nov 29, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Which Internet browser do you usually use? Same as Phillippa [quote]Phillippa M Bennett wrote: But then when
some sites don't work with Chrome I use Firefox.
Can't stand using Internet Explorer any longer -
it crashes all the time! [/quote]
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 31, 2010
Translation Theory and Practice Translation speed - large volume project Have you seen this article?
html?emc=tnt&tntemail0=y If the project in
question comes from either or, I
would stro
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 31, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Is there any part of the translation process you don't really enjoy? Proofreading other people's work I love proofing my own as part of my quality
assurance process, but I can't seem to come to
terms with checking anyone else's translations.
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 28, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: As a freelancer, how do you feel most of the time? I agree with Robert [quote]Robert Forstag wrote: ...that the binary
choice is limiting. To me, a certain degree of
imbalance is part of being a freelancer. When
there is plenty of work, the work can be
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 15, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you receive compliments on your work from clients? Depends on the kind of clients you have When you've worked for an agency for over a decade
and occasionally contact your peers, compliments
reach you by word of mouth. Besides, I translate
scholarship-related documents for Engli
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 11, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think freelancing can make one "sluggish"? Not at all! Each client is a "boss" you need to keep content.
There's no time for sluggishness here. As we
say in Chile: "Al camarón que se duerme se lo
lleva la corriente" :D
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 10, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Has the content of a text you translated changed you in any way? Yes! Learning is an unavoidable consequence of reading,
and translating is by far more illustrative than
reading itself, as you usually have to carry out
in-depth analyses in order to correctly
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Oct 9, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: True or false: the Industrial revolution has come to translation I voted "true" because it is so clear that the question refers to
technology -computer science, the Internet, and
globalization. Quite a "revolution" indeed

[Edited at 2010-09-22 08:00 GMT]
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Sep 22, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: How long have you been working as a translator/interpreter? 37 and counting But my full-time freelance career started in
1989. Fortunately, my earliest translations
were done as an extra service to my employers. I
did not get paid for any of them, and people
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Sep 20, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you specialize in certain field(s)? Specialization is a must! In my experience, if you want to have a stable
client portfolio that keeps you busy, you need to
specialize in at least 3-4 fields. Quoting
Anna, It would be interesting to read comment
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Sep 13, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you check your emails during the weekend? I agree with Melanie Time differences make it imperative for me to
check my mail during weekends, and particularly on
Sundays :) Happy translating!
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Sep 12, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What would you do if you knew that a month from now the Internet would be down for good? Back to old habits and the good old times! The situation would certainly be traumatic, but I
would survive. My freelance career dates from
1989 and I treasure my old glossaries and
dictionaries, plus others I've acquired even a
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Sep 7, 2010
Spanish ¿Cómo atienden el teléfono en el resto de América del Sur? "Aló" se entiende en toda América Latina Lucía, en Chile siempre hemos dicho "Aló" pero,
con el tiempo ¡y la tele! se han ido adoptando
otras maneras de contestar el teléfono. Es muy
corriente oír "¿Diga?", "¿Sí?" o "Buen
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Jul 6, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: Would you like your children to become translators? Mine are bilingual but... my first born (28) is a dentist (Gosh, I'm so
proud of her!) and my "baby" (23) is an artist, a
professional photographer and (proud mom speaking)
a born merchant! I would have loved to
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Dec 4, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: How quickly do you return test translations? Business is business... [quote]Sophie Dzhygir wrote: I do test
translations, but it is still obvious that paid
work takes over, so I do tests whenever I have
time. [/quote] Nothing to add! Cheers!
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Nov 19, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Which kind of training would benefit you most? A new language, of course!! I would be oh-so-happy if I could study
Italian!! Unfortunately, it is either work or
study :(
María Eugenia Wachtendorff Nov 12, 2009

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Trados Business Manager Lite
Create customer quotes and invoices from within Trados Studio

Trados Business Manager Lite helps to simplify and speed up some of the daily tasks, such as invoicing and reporting, associated with running your freelance translation business.

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Manage your TMs and Terms ... and boost your translation business

Are you ready for something fresh in the industry? TM-Town is a unique new site for you -- the freelance translator -- to store, manage and share translation memories (TMs) and glossaries...and potentially meet new clients on the basis of your prior work.

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