Browse links of Mỹ thuật/Văn chương glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about Mỹ thuật/Văn chương terms.
View all | 226-250 of 657 results
Linguistic terms
David Tuggy T. , Albert Bickford |
Linguistic terms Spanish-English glossary
Based on the Glossary of Islamic Art and Architectural Terms. Version II. December 1990. Creswell Library of Islamic Art and Architecture. The American University in Cairo. Transliterated.
Glossary for the Multilinear Translation of the Kitab-i-Aqdas
Baha'i Academics Resource Library |
glosses on Arabic terms in the Kitab-i-Aqdas are excerpted from the section of notes accompanying each sentence. Since the following definitions refer back to the passage where they were first used, back-links have been provided so the reader can see the context of each definition. This glossary is not comprehensive, but just covers some points tha... View more
Persian (Farsi)
Este glosario sirve: para aquellas personas que no sean profesionales de la música y así poder leer una partitura o escuchar una obra musical, además de enriquecer y ampliar su vocabulario con una terminología apropiada, específica y sencilla.
Le Dictionnaire de la Zone
Cobra Le Cynique |
Tout l'argot des banlieues
(1236 mots, 150 expressions)
Aujourd'hui la zone, pour beaucoup, est synonyme de ghetto, de violence, de jeunesse inculte et agressive, de rap et d'immigration. Au travers de son langage emprunté à l'argot classique, au verlan et diverses dialectes (européens, africains, antillais,…) la zone tente de s'inventer... View more
φωτογραφικοί όροι στην ελληνική γλώσσα
Glosario de Música Electrónica
Himnario Digital |
Glossary of electronic music
Numismatic Glossary
McMaster Museum of Art |
Highly interesting numismatic resource that touches other concepts of Classical civilization and lifestyle.
Il glossario che segue, pur se non esaustivo, vuole essere un utile strumento per coloro che, affascinati dalla materia, rimangono incuriositi da un’epoca ormai sparita e si propongono di riviverla iniziando la costruzione di un modellino
Structural Designs of Gothic Churches and Cathedrals
Earthlore Gothic Architecture |
Useful glossary enriched with drawings and illustrations.
Organized in the following categories:
-'Must Know' Terms
-Unique Cathedral Features
-Decoration & Motif
-Structural Design
-Expression & Technique
-Art Periods & Styles
A Glossary of Landscape Gardening and Architecture
Birmingham-Southern College/ John Tatter |
Landscape Gardening and Architecture
Architecture Topical Glossary |
Glossary of Castle Terms
Castles on the Web |
Glossary of Castle Terms
Illustrated dictionary to find the definitions for important words related to architecture and building design.
szybki, wielojezyczny, korzysta ze slownikow specjalistycznych
Dictionary of neologisms |
"This website is being developed as a record of new and evolving words and phrases in the English language, with special reference to UK English usage. One of its prime aims is to act as a repository for new words and phrases which are not otherwise listed on the Net - or at least not found by Search Engines. Hence the working title: Dictionary of ... View more
Glossaire du théâtre
Par André G. Bourassa. Soutien multimédia, François Bourassa. |
Ces définitions sommaires ont pour but de faciliter la lecture des textes critiques. Les renvois indiquent les sources principales d'une définition et les ouvrages où l'on peut trouver des indications plus élaborées. Vos commentaires sont bienvenus à l'adresse : [email protected].
Glosario de bricolaje |
Definiciones, materiales, técnicas.
Glosario vídeo digital ES>ES |
Definiciones de términos de vídeo digital.
Illustrated Dictionary of Jewellery
Enchanted Learning |
All about jewels: techniques, materials, minerals, stones...
Glossaire - Art |
Armures - Glossaire |
Les armures au Moyen Age
Glosario de términos relacionados con el arte y la arqueología.
La mayor parte de las entradas han sido tomadas de Diccionario de términos de arte y arqueología (G. Fatas, G. y M. Borrás, G.), 4ª Edición, 1980, Guara Editorial (ISBN: 84-85303-29-6).
Glosarios de distintos libros de pintura, arquitectura, escultura, etc. en los que ap... View more
Terminología del análisis lítico en arqueología
Giovanna Winchkler |
Diccionario de términos de arqueología, espeíficamente, de términos líticos. Muy útil para la descripción.
Dra. Giovanna Winchkler:
"El objeto arqueológico es un observable que el arqueólogo ha tenido que aprender a observar, lo cual requiere un adecuado y preciso conocimiento de los términos y expresiones que construyen dicho ob... View more
A multilingual glossary of cinema still expanding. Search possible in the categories below:
-Production Design
-Sound Recording
-Other Crew
-Other Terms
-Technical Terms
Source lang... View more
Vous pouvez y trouver des informations sur le temps et sa mesure en général : histoire, grandes dates, dictionnaire, grands horlogers, marques de montres...
English-Russian Archaeology Dictionary
Novosibirsk State University |
Англо-Русский археологический словарь
Música / guitarra
João Bizarro |
Glossário de termos relativos à música e à guitarra.
Glossário de Teatro
André G. Bourassa |
Glossário de Teatro.
Descubra o significado de diversos termos relacionados com os Castelos de Portugal.
PDF file: Italian-English and English-Italian by Paolo Salimbeni, Commissione Nazionale Scuole di Speleologia
Knots, Ropes and Glossary and Bibliography
Quasi tutti i nodi, come si sa, hanno più nomi a secondo sia dei fini a cui sono destinati
e sia delle discipline che li utilizzano.
Qui, i nomi usati per indicare il medesi... View more
A glossary of grandiloquent (obscure and rare) words in English.
Downloadable PDF file.
Audio Glossary
AudioEd Pro Audio Production Resources |
AudioEd Pro Audio Production Resources Audio Production, Pro Audio and Education Resources for the International Sound Recording Community.
Cinema Terminology Dictionary
Artemotore artisti |
Parole ed espressioni del mondo del cinema, della televisione, della regia, della fotografia, della sonorizzazione e quanto legato al mondo dei films
Dizionario della Musica - glossario musicale
Artemotore Musica |
vocabulaire codicologique
Muzerelle Denis |
Glossary of Kant's Religious Terms
Stephen Palmquist |
This Glossary supplements the Glossary in KSP1:453-61 [Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms] providing brief definitions for selected technical terms that are specifically related to Kant's theology and philosophy of religion. (The only terms listed here that Kant himself does not use are 'Critical mysticism' and 'theocentric'.) Taken together, thes... View more
Glossary of Kant's Technical Terms
Stephen Palmquist |
The following Glossary lists Kant's most important technical terms, together with a simple definition of each. (The terms 'judicial', 'perspective' and 'standpoint' are the only ones Kant himself does not use as technical terms.) It was originally written as a study aide to help make the intricate web of Kant's terminology comprehensible to stude... View more
American-English/ English-American Translation Guide
School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences of the University of Edinburgh |
Comparative list of American English and British English terms.