Translation Glossaries from the Web
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This dictionary is home to words known as "Playground Slang". It began simply as a collection of "slang" children used in school to describe their world. Over time the school slang collection has expanded to carry well over 3,000 terms including colloquialisms and idioms etc.
Terms revolving around child support or payment towards supporting a child after a divorce has taken place. Financial Support for the good of the child or children.
Child Welfare Terms, English to Spanish
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services |
In the interest of better serving the needs of Spanish-speaking families and professionals who work with them, Child Welfare Information Gateway developed this glossary to ensure consistency and cultural relevance in our publications. By making this document available to others, we hope to support other organizations that are also striving to impro... View more
A comprehensive multilingual listing of online medical & biomedical dictionaries and glossaries on the Internet. Over 2,110 links to useful & informative medical & health-related web sites and medical dictionaries in 23 languages.
Glosare in toate domeniile
Reea- Silvia |
este o colectie de glosare in diverse domenii: Arts & Culture Dance, Music, Theatre, ... Business Communications, Management, Manufacturing, ... Careers & Employment Computers & Internet Internet, Networks, Smileys, ... Economy & Finance Insurance, Investment, Stock Market, ... Education Family & Relationships Adoption, Children, Gen... View more
Glossary of cap and closure terms
SKS Bottle & Packaging, Inc. |
This glossary describes various types of caps, closures, containers, designs of bottle molds, molding processes, packaging components, and decorating options for bottles and jars.
Downloadable PDF (22 pages).
Medical Terminology and Drug Database
St Jude Children's Research Hospital |
Medical Terminology and Drug Database. Definitions are provided by the National Cancer Institute, U.S. National Institutes of Health. List updated monthly.
Glossary of Foods/Cuisine/Herbs/Comidas
Andr� Fairchild, interpreter & translator |
Glossary of Foods/Cuisine/Herbs/Comidas by André Fairchild, interpreter & translator
Glossary of Family Law terms
Alaska Court System |
family law glossary
Children with diabetes |
This Diabetes Dictionary is derived from the original Diabetes Dictionary of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK). Updated definitions, internal hyperlinks, and links to related material available.
The Freechild Project works to make youth-led social change action more accessible to young people and their adult allies, especially to young people who aren't currently involved, but want to be. This glossary is meant to help break down the language barriers that keep more people from getting active. GLOSSARY: The following is a listing of freq... View more
General dictionary with words taken by by Gypsies from the other languages with geographical location of the specific meaning of words. Could be helpful by translating of words & expressions in the literature. Alphebitical order is sometimes given for Romany words, sometimes - for English ones :)
zzz Other zzz
zzz Other zzz
Medical terms (general)
Virtual Hospital |
Some Virtual Hospital materials have been translated into Spanish, German, Potuguese, Icelandic and Russian. A good resource for general medical translations.
1 long page, web portal, divided into sections
Verklarende woordenlijst Kunst
Museum Boymans Rotterdam |
Korte verklarende woordenlijst over onderwerpen die met kunst te maken hebben.