Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Statistics Glossary
SETPS (Valerie J. Easton & John H. McColl) |
Glossary of statistical terms grouped under theme-related headings and also with an 'Alphabetical index of all entries'.
STEPS Glossary Web version revised and updated Sep 97 by Stuart G. Young.
Television Audience Measuring Glossary
AGB Nielsen Media Research |
Television Audience Measurement Glossary: an item can be searched either in alphabetical order by easy reference sections. Both access methods provide a powerful free text search feature. Organisations of TAM Research TAM survey design, sampling methodology & statistical terms Peoplemeter TAM meter functions, data collection & processing TA... View more
Prélèvements sanguin - Blood sampling
Institut National de la Transfusion Sanguine |
Prélèvements sanguin - Blood sampling