Translation Glossaries from the Web
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851-875 of 8054 results
Более 600 терминов.
Около 200 терминов.
Rechtsquellen Erneuerbare Energien
Umweltministerium Deutschland |
Kleines Glossar zu Begriffen in diesem Bereich, u.a. auch Abkürzungen
510 терминов.
Более 50 терминов.
Более 250 терминов.
100 терминов.
53 термина.
208 терминов.
238 терминов.
Ernesto Pauli |
Sehr ausführliches Lexikon über alles, was mit Wein und Alkohol zusammenhängt
Medicinska termer
Belfrage Förlag |
Medicinska termer samlade på en och samma sida, en guldgruva med andra ord för den intresserade. Att förstå vad en term betyder i källspråket underlättar vidaresökandet efter den adekvata termen i målspråket, inte illa! :) Lycka till!
National Research Council Canada |
WeBiText is a multilingual translation help tool that retrieves translations of words and expressions in pre-defined and/or user-specified Web sites used as bilingual corpora. The user selects the source and the target languages in the list of all the languages supported on all those sites, and then selects a site among those that support the two s... View more
Толковый русский словарь астрономических терминов
Астронет - Российская Астрономическая Сеть |
1 563 термина.
glosario de incendios forestales
Dirección General de Protección Civil y Emergencias |
Glosario de incendios forestales
The Swedish National Agency for School Improvement/The Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet) |
The dictionaries have been issued by the Swedish National Agency for School Improvement. They are included in the Lexin series. Lexin is primarily produced to meet the need of immigrant education and currently consists of about 30,000 words. Since January 2007, the Language Council of Sweden (Språkrådet) is responsible for the Lexin project. The ... View more
Glossaire des santons de Provence
Santons Marcel Carbonel |
Glossary about the Provence Santons
A-Z glossary in Spanish- glosario automovilístico A-Z
Gamer slang
dormetheus |
Learn to Talk to Your Gamer Friends and Family About WoW and Other MMORPGs If you have a friend, spouse, child, or loved one that enjoys playing WoW (World of Warcraft), MMORPGs, or other online games, then these are the words, references, acronyms, and slang that you'll need to understand exactly what their talking about. Now, you can be on the i... View more
Англо-русский эконометрический словарь содержит около 2 100 терминов.
Англо-русский словарь терминов венчурного финансирования
Словарь содержит более 1700 толкований терминов и расшифровок аббревиатур в сфере венчурного бизнеса (инвестирование, рынки, проекты, методы и инструменты), прямых инвестиций, деятельности фондовых бирж, IPO. Ввиду того что многие термины имеют несколько различные толкования по разные стороны океана или же могут быть неоднозначными, в словарь включ... View more
Словарь содержит более сотни терминов с толкованиями по управлению рисками. Словарь может быть полезен риск-менеджерам и финансовым аналитикам, работающим в банках и на предприятиях нефинансовой сферы.
Содержит 9 000 терминов на финансовую и близкие темы. Тематические словари, которые входят в его состав - акции, акционерные общества, аудит, банки, банковские защитные средства, биржи, валюта, векселя, внешняя торговля, выборы, государственная политика, государственный бюджет, деньги, затраты предприятия, инвестиции, интернет, информационная инфра... View more
Dizionario interdisciplinare di Scienza e Fede
a cura di G. Tanzella-Nitti e A. Strumia |
Il Dizionario è principalmente indirizzato a docenti di materie scientifico-filosofiche delle scuole superiori, ad universitari interessati a temi interdisciplinari, ad intellettuali credenti, oppure no, che desiderano avere accesso ad una documentazione aggiornata e ad una riflessione metodologicamente rigorosa sulle tematiche di maggiore attualit... View more
20 Keywords of the Mayan Calendar
by Tracey Gendron |
The 20 Daykeepers of the Mayan Calendar Keywords and Astrological correspondences 20 Mayan words (translitterated) explained in English
Brief and idiosyncratic glossary for interpreting the Dao De Jing. Only pinyin and English.
Glossario di MTC
di Giulia Boschi |
Alcuni dei caratteri principali nella terminologia della Medicina Tradizionale Cinese, dal pinyin all'Italiano, con di fianco gli ideogrammi cinesi nelle versioni completa e semplificata
Glossary of Chinese Yijing terms
by Ma Xia (Chinese name of S J Marshall) |
This is a glossary of Yijing technical terms that appear on this site, in alphabetical order of pinyin syllables, so xiantian comes before xiangshu
Research can be made by Chinese name, Latin name, Common name (English), Scientific name.
Terms are listed in both English and Chinese phonetic (pinyin) alphabets for easier searching, and the explanations are written in English and Chinese.
Cytokines & Cells Encyclopedia
by Prof Dr H Ibelgaufts |
24,700+ entries/pages 67,500+ references 448,500+ internal hyperlinks In English.
Glossary of Genetic Terms
Medical Strategies, Inc |
brief glossary about Genetics in English
Agriculture Glossary
New Mexico State University |
Agriculture dictionary in English
A Modern Herbal - English
by Mrs. M. Grieve |
The electronic version of "A Modern Herbal" by Maud Grieve. English (mono)
English - Chinese Medical Dictionary
Dr Wong Kia Boon, Singapore |
glossary of medical terms from English to Chinese
Biochemistry Glossary
By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu |
English to Chinese Bio-chemistry Dictionary
Brief biology glossary ENGLISH > CHINESE
Alphabetical lists of drugs, herbs ans supplements, in English
Chinese herb dictionary
By: Joe Hing Kwok Chu 朱 興國編譯 |
Website texts of explanations are in Chinese and English. Contains usage, toxicity / warning, Latin names, common names of herbs and more. LATIN > PINYIN > CHINESE PINYIN > CHINESE > LATIN In some cases, prononciations in other languages are given, such as: Japanese, Korean, Cantonese.