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Trados 2017 Any trick or idea to paste multiple rows of text in the target column?
Téma indítója: javierxp
May 24, 2018

Hello, I have to translate a document but most of it are products that do not need translation.
Basically I have 150 segments of products in the source column that are identical in the target column and do not need translation. The problem is I will have to copy segment per segment and I will have to do that with 150 segments, which is crazy.
It would be nice Trados allow to copy and paste multiple lines at once in the target column in SDL 2017, but sadly this feature is not yet impl
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Hello, I have to translate a document but most of it are products that do not need translation.
Basically I have 150 segments of products in the source column that are identical in the target column and do not need translation. The problem is I will have to copy segment per segment and I will have to do that with 150 segments, which is crazy.
It would be nice Trados allow to copy and paste multiple lines at once in the target column in SDL 2017, but sadly this feature is not yet implemented.
The idea is to find a way or trick to make this possible so I can avoid to copy and paste manually 150 segments, which is crazy.
I was suggested to export the text for external review, open it in Word, paste all the information for the TARGET column inside Word, saving the word file, and then IMPORTING the word file into Trados... however I am not very certain about how to follow this procedure.
Any idea or trick to edit with an external editor the TARGET COLUMN in an SDLXLIFF file and then importing it back into Trados?
Or any idea to make this with word and recover the file in Trados?

Seems to be the process is described here:

- Exporting the text for Bilingual Review with Trados
- Making the changes in Word
- Updating back the Trados document according the changes you did in Word in the file for bilingual review...

However the document seems to be a bit complex, if someone here could summarize the process, I'd appreciate it very much.

[Edited at 2018-05-24 20:48 GMT]

Jaime Oriard
Jaime Oriard  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:27
Tag (2005 óta)
angol - spanyol
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You can do this in Studio May 24, 2018

Select all the segments you want to copy, right click, and select copy source to target. There is also a shortcut for this.

Good luck

With some segments I would need translation... copying from source to target wouldn't be enough May 24, 2018

Hi Jaime, thanks for the tip but with some segments I will have to apply some translation... so just copying from the source column and pasting in the target column... for some segments wouldn't be enough.
I would need a kind of editting process in Word, and then absorving back that information into Trados...
Any idea about how to do this... for example with the external review process?

Walter Blaser
Walter Blaser  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:27
francia - német
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Use the bilingual Excel file format May 24, 2018


I suggest you format your text in Excel and open it in Studio with the Bilingual Excel filter (you need to move up this filter above the normal Excel filters to do this, before you open the file). In the Options of this filter you can tell Studio which column is the source and which one is the target and you will then see both columns in the Editor. You then only need to translate the rows that you need.
You may even lock the ones that do not need translation so that the E
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I suggest you format your text in Excel and open it in Studio with the Bilingual Excel filter (you need to move up this filter above the normal Excel filters to do this, before you open the file). In the Options of this filter you can tell Studio which column is the source and which one is the target and you will then see both columns in the Editor. You then only need to translate the rows that you need.
You may even lock the ones that do not need translation so that the Editor skips them while translating.


Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:27
Tag (2002 óta)
angol - spanyol
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It's really very easy May 24, 2018

javierxp wrote:

It would be nice Trados allow to copy and paste multiple lines at once in the target column in SDL 2017, but sadly this feature is not yet implemented.

But it is... As Jaime has explained, there is a simple way of doing this: select all the segments you want to copy from source to target, follow the right-click shortcut or use your regular keyboard shortcut to copy source to target.

The only trick to remember is that you should place your mouse pointer on the segment number, not within the source segment contents when selecting multiple segments. The segment background turns yellow when you have selected multiple segments.

Walter's solution is what I am looking for May 24, 2018

Walter Blaser wrote:


I suggest you format your text in Excel and open it in Studio with the Bilingual Excel filter (you need to move up this filter above the normal Excel filters to do this, before you open the file). In the Options of this filter you can tell Studio which column is the source and which one is the target and you will then see both columns in the Editor. You then only need to translate the rows that you need.
You may even lock the ones that do not need translation so that the Editor skips them while translating.


Hi Walter, your solution is exactly what I need... however I don't know how to run the Biingual Excel filter.

Where is it? Where should I go inside Trados to run this filter?

How may I use it?

Is there any guide showing how to do the process?


Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:27
Tag (2002 óta)
angol - spanyol
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Isn't the file already in Studio? May 24, 2018

Sorry, maybe I'm not understanding what you're trying to do. What is the original format of your source file? If you have already opened the file in Studio, it makes more sense to use Studio's copy source to target procedure, which should take from mere seconds to a couple of minutes, depending on whether your data is already together or needs filtering, than to use the Bilingual Excel filter, which would require you to create a completely new source file, modify it in Excel, process it in Studi... See more
Sorry, maybe I'm not understanding what you're trying to do. What is the original format of your source file? If you have already opened the file in Studio, it makes more sense to use Studio's copy source to target procedure, which should take from mere seconds to a couple of minutes, depending on whether your data is already together or needs filtering, than to use the Bilingual Excel filter, which would require you to create a completely new source file, modify it in Excel, process it in Studio, and then possibly do another step, because of course the target file of this new procedure will be a bilingual Excel file, which if your original file is not an Excel to begin with, sounds like a lot of hassle to simply copy over 150 segments, which, by the way, could even have been achieved manually rather quickly in the time we've spent discussing this ; ).

If you still want to try the Bilingual Excel filter, this article may help:


[Edited at 2018-05-24 22:05 GMT]

Jaime Oriard
Jaime Oriard  Identity Verified
Local time: 01:27
Tag (2005 óta)
angol - spanyol
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You asked about how to use a feature in Studio May 24, 2018

The idea is to find a way or trick to make this possible...

I already explained how to copy source to target on multiple segments at once, and Nora explained how to select rows in Studio. I you want a more detailed explanation, you can watch this how-to video by Paul Filkin:

However, for your purposes, that is, leave the segments untranslated, you don't even need to do anything. Just leave them blank. When generating the target file, all blank segments are left in the source language.

Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:27
Tag (2002 óta)
angol - spanyol
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A little AHK script May 24, 2018

For anyone reading this who might be interested in a feature that allows to copy source to target and confirm the segment in one go, check out this great little AutoHotkey script by Michel Marques:


And, by the way, this forum needs a "Like" button. I would
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For anyone reading this who might be interested in a feature that allows to copy source to target and confirm the segment in one go, check out this great little AutoHotkey script by Michel Marques:


And, by the way, this forum needs a "Like" button. I would have "Liked" Jaime's post, because he's absolutely right, segments that don't need translation can actually be left untouched, or be locked.

I prefer Walter solution May 24, 2018

I have read every solution proposed and I thank you everyone for the solutions posted but, as I said again, and now I repeat it again, I prefer the Walter solution.
Walter described a process very interesting to me, not only for this translation, but also for different kind of translations in which pre-translation is involved and you need to copy and paste at once, different segments to the TARGET segments.
Consequently, again, I prefer the Walter solution.
However, as I said,
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I have read every solution proposed and I thank you everyone for the solutions posted but, as I said again, and now I repeat it again, I prefer the Walter solution.
Walter described a process very interesting to me, not only for this translation, but also for different kind of translations in which pre-translation is involved and you need to copy and paste at once, different segments to the TARGET segments.
Consequently, again, I prefer the Walter solution.
However, as I said, I cannot implement the Walter solution because I don't know how to run and use the Bilingual Excel filter.
What I am looking for is a kind of "dummies guide" explaining step by step how to run and use the Bilingual Excel filter, so I can do exactly what Walter said.
Walter said this:
1) Format your text in Excel
2) Open it in Studio with the Bilingual Excel filter
3) In the Options of this filter you can tell Studio which column is the source and which one is the target and you will then see both columns in the Editor. (And this is what I am looking for)
4) You then only need to translate the rows that you need. (That is, Walter got it perfectly. I need what he says)
- I don't know how to open an Excel file in Trados using the Bilingual Excel filter.
I would appreciate Walter or someone knowing how to do this, could tell me step by step how to do this.

[Edited at 2018-05-24 23:01 GMT]

[Edited at 2018-05-24 23:07 GMT]

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Oroszországi Föderáció
Local time: 10:27
angol - orosz
Google it May 25, 2018

Bilingual Excel just extracts 2 columns from (2+n) columns and puts them next to each other. That's it. Nothing else.
Except that you have to struggle against a complicated Bilingual Excel process. However, even if you succeed, I can't see how placing Excel columns together resolves your issue. Jaime Oriard suggested the easiest way. If you want all cells confirmed, after you have translated all translatable segments just filter all "Unconfirmed" cells, Copy all sour
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Bilingual Excel just extracts 2 columns from (2+n) columns and puts them next to each other. That's it. Nothing else.
Except that you have to struggle against a complicated Bilingual Excel process. However, even if you succeed, I can't see how placing Excel columns together resolves your issue. Jaime Oriard suggested the easiest way. If you want all cells confirmed, after you have translated all translatable segments just filter all "Unconfirmed" cells, Copy all source to target and confirm.
Alternatively, if you have identical parts in your product names (™, ®, -XYZ etc.), you can also filter them, then copy and confirm or just lock.
But if you still insist, 2 or 3 hours should suffice to cope with Bilingual Excel from scratch.

Re: how to do this, could tell me step by step
Type "sdl bilingual excel" in Google, select a link you like most. Read it. If it doesn't help, repeat this step with next link.

[Edited at 2018-05-25 03:09 GMT]

Nora Diaz
Nora Diaz  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:27
Tag (2002 óta)
angol - spanyol
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Pasting from Word to Studio, not copying source to target May 25, 2018

I have realized that I misunderstood the poster's need. I thought he needed to copy source to target for multiple segments at once, but it seems he wants an automated way to paste text from another program, such as Word, into the target column in Studio. Since Studio doesn't allow pasting clipboard contents across segment boundaries, this creates the issue of having to repeat a copy-paste operation segment by segment.

I have shared m
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I have realized that I misunderstood the poster's need. I thought he needed to copy source to target for multiple segments at once, but it seems he wants an automated way to paste text from another program, such as Word, into the target column in Studio. Since Studio doesn't allow pasting clipboard contents across segment boundaries, this creates the issue of having to repeat a copy-paste operation segment by segment.

I have shared my solution to automate this task here: https://community.sdl.com/product-groups/translationproductivity/f/90/p/18204/62120#62120

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:27
Tag (2006 óta)
angol - afrikaans
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How to move filters up and down May 25, 2018

javierxp wrote:
Hi Walter, your solution is exactly what I need... however I don't know how to run the Biingual Excel filter.

In order to coax Trados into using the Bilingual Excel filter instead of the usual Excel filter, you have to move the Bilingual Excel filter up in the list of filters.

In Trados 2015, it works like this: go to File > Options > File Types, then select Bilingual Excel, and click the "Move up" button until it is higher in the list than all other Excel filters. After that, any Excel file you open in Trados will be treated as a "Bilingual Excel" file.

By the way, I'm surprised at Walter's solution, as it means that you have to convert your original file (or part of it) to Excel, and I don't really see what advantage that would give you, because using the Bilingual Excel filter does not allow you to do the type of intermediate editing that you seem to be looking for either (but perhaps I misunderstood). Besides, editing inside Excel is just as troublesome as editing in Trados (compared to editing in Word), I believe.

Samuel Murray
Samuel Murray  Identity Verified
Local time: 09:27
Tag (2006 óta)
angol - afrikaans
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@Javier May 25, 2018

javierxp wrote:
I was suggested to export the text for external review, open it in Word, paste all the information for the TARGET column inside Word, saving the word file, and then IMPORTING the word file into Trados... however I am not very certain about how to follow this procedure.

The procedure is fairly simple but it doesn't always work (various things can cause it to break, and then all your work is for nothing). Put differently, the procedure is quite simple but it comes with a list of ifs and buts that aren't all published in one location. But if you have hair on your teeth and don't mind falling and getting up:

(this video is old but the process is still roughly the same, except that you have to right-click the project in the project list, instead of using the File menu; to use this feature, you have to copy source to target for all segments first, and you must use a newish version of MS Word, and you MUST NOT touch any of the tags, and... well, you can see, there is a list of ifs and buts)

Any idea or trick to edit with an external editor the TARGET COLUMN in an SDLXLIFF file and then importing it back into Trados?

Nora's AHK script seems to be a good solution, and it automates something that I often do myself manually.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Oroszországi Föderáció
Local time: 10:27
angol - orosz
I am very interested in using this script, but I can't May 25, 2018

Nora Diaz wrote:
I have shared my solution to automate this task here: https://community.sdl.com/product-groups/translationproductivity/f/90/p/18204/62120#62120

Thank you Nora,
However I cannot get it work properly. I can see obvious difference between your video and what the script is doing: it does not tick the "Use:" checkbox to enable Regular expressions. As a result, it only inserts each next letter and instantly removes it when going to next segment. Is there a chance that something is missing in your script?

Samuel Murray wrote:
Nora's AHK script seems to be a good solution, and it automates something that I often do myself manually.

Hi Samuel,
Have you managed to get the expected result with this same script?

What am I doing wrong?

[Edited at 2018-05-25 07:30 GMT]

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Trados 2017 Any trick or idea to paste multiple rows of text in the target column?

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