The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

スペイン語 から 英語 船舶、航海、海運 Translation Glossary

スペイン語 term 英語 translation
resellos anuales yearly/ annual re-approval
reservar un espacio para mi embarcación reserve a berth/mooring
Residente de Control de Obra [on-] Site Project Control Manager
respaldo para almacenamiento storage backup
retenida que se corte al tirar desde el remolcador preventer (line)
riñones(en este sentido) tilting pad
Entered by: liz askew
riostra brace, bridging piece
Entered by: EirTranslations
RN (Spanish) National Rating
Entered by: Andrés Martínez
Rollizos aserrables y pulpables, basas, postes saw logs, pulp wood (logs), beams, posts/poles
rumbo (agujero en el casco de un barco) breach
Rumbo a 2015 mm de línea de flotación Damage or breach at 2015 mm below the waterline
rumbo XXXº con una velocidad de XXXnudos bearing xxx at yyy knots
saco especie de definición
Entered by: Alison Warner
sala de centros Command center
Entered by: Emma Ratcliffe
sala de derrota chart room
salón lounge
salto de muñón journal out-of-roundness
Salvamento Marítimo Marine SAR - Search & Rescue
se evacua lateralmente Runs/flows off down the coast along the coastline
se expide el despacho de alférez de fragata commissioned to/in the rank of ensign
se hallan al corriente del pago paid up /current/up-to date on their payments
se hizo con un palmarés de vértigo. racked up a staggering/stunning winning record
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
se nos nominó we were appointed
se procederá a realizar una provisión de fondos make a provision of funds against the cost
se responsabilice por la presente pérdida has to be accountable for the present loss
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
secreta compartment
seguro soldado safety-welded
self locking hardware Al reponer piezas, se debe utilizar el autobloqueo.
selladoras de playa beach sealing / beach sealers
Entered by: Patricia Gutierrez
sello del eje de propulsion drive shaft seal
sembrado de pilotes installing/planting piles
servicio de baldeo flushing/hosing down system
Entered by: S Ben Price
servicios de practicaje y/o remolcaje pilotage and/or towage services
Entered by: Richard Hill
sifones siphons
sin despachar vessel was operating/sailing/departing without the authorization/(see below) from the Harbour Master
sincroelevador synchrolift
Entered by: S Ben Price
SIPA (Bureau of) Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection = Seguridad Industrial y Protección Ambiental
sistema Chance de luz de petróleo chance vapour lamp fed by paraffin
Sistema de amarre por el extremo opuesto al atraque Mooring system (buoy or chain mooring) at the outboard end
sistema de gobierno steering system
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