Translation glossary: Expressions

Showing entries 1-11 of 11
(meses/semanas/días) contados de fecha a fecha(months/weeks/days) counted from date to date // (months/weeks/days) to the date 
Spanish to English
Break a leg!¡Mucha mierda! (España) / Merde! (Argentina) / ¡Mierda, mierda! (Chile) 
English to Spanish
button pushingprovocación 
English to Spanish
cada maestrito con su libritoto each his own 
Spanish to English
come down to the wiredecidirse en el último momento 
English to Spanish
dar chocolate (mañanero )to give someone a (morning) drubbing / to throw someone under a bus 
Spanish to English
desgañitarsegritar demasiado 
Despite the undeniable appeal...A pesar del atractivo incuestionable... 
English to Spanish
Keep the shiny side up and the rubber side downBiker lingo for "drive carefully" 
Remachar el clavo(to) drive the point home 
Spanish to English
to throw a pity partyandar por ahí lamentándose / andar por ahí llorando / hacer berrinche 
English to Spanish
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