Translation glossary: Liz Askew's Sp-En general glossary

Showing entries 51-100 of 789
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ancoraanchor-shaped stirrer 
Spanish to English
anillo de circunvalaciónby-pass ring 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
ante su abusivo procederin view of his abusive behaviour 
Spanish to English
antecedentes de servicio (en una misma empresa)service record/employment record 
Spanish to English
anticipar el cobroanticipated payment 
Spanish to English
Antiguedaddate of issue/duration/length /age [of license/ce] 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
API programApplication Programming Interface - Interfaz de Programación de Aplicaciones 
English to Spanish
Apreciable meteorizacionsigns of weathering 
Spanish to English
Aprobado con distinciónPass/ed with distinction/distinction level 
Spanish to English
Aproximación media cuadráticamean-square approximation 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
aquellos remotos tiempos foraleslong gone era/remote/distant/era of foral rights/ancient privileges 
Spanish to English
aro de sofocación para antorchafire-extinguishing ring 
Spanish to English
arqueta de controlcontrol manhole 
Spanish to English
arranques de obracommencement of works 
Spanish to English
arte cinegéticoart // art of hunting 
Spanish to English
así tomar decisiones y halar, no[it would be great if they gave me the dosh/money/cash] so I could make a decision and go off/get on with it,... 
Spanish to English
ascenso de las solucionesascent of [thermal] waters 
Spanish to English
asignaciones legales forzosasmandatory distribution of estate 
Spanish to English
Asistencia humanitariahumanitarian assistance 
Spanish to English
aspirante a miembro activo no fundadorWhoever wishes to become/Anybody wishing to become an active, non-founding member 
Spanish to English
ATDOAsistencia Técnica Dirección de Obra//Technical Assistance..Works/Project Management 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
autorrepercutirto claim back 
Spanish to English
aviso de prácticasNotice of Privacy Practices 
Spanish to English
ángulos cofinalescoterminal/cofinal angles 
Spanish to English
área responsableresponsible department 
Spanish to English
índice de penetrabilidad(market) penetration rate 
Spanish to English
bahías de llevaderas (oil & gas)loading bays 
Spanish to English
baja por incapacidad temporal[sick] leave for temporary incapacity 
Spanish to English
balizamientos luminososluminous beacons 
Spanish to English
balsa de riegoirrigation pool 
Spanish to English
bancos medianos o gruesos de piroclasticosmedium and large-size layers/strata of pyroclastics/pyroclastic rocks 
Spanish to English
bando sublevadonationalists/nationalist camp/nationalist forces 
Spanish to English
barandilla auto trepanteself-climbing rail 
Spanish to English
bases al agua a base de pigmentos orgánicoswater-based paints containing organic pigments 
Spanish to English
batería de gatosbattery/group/set/row of [hydraulic] jacks 
Spanish to English
batey, bateyesbateyes [sugar company towns] 
Spanish to English
Becas de iniciación a la investigaciónResearch start-up grants 
Spanish to English
before/if restartingSe recomienda retrasar la norma al menos tres años antes de reiniciar el trabajo O en caso de 
English to Spanish
bicomponentetwo component 
Spanish to English
bienes reservadosreserved property 
Spanish to English
biopolímero energéticoenergy-storing biopolymer 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
Bloque de patéBlock of paté 
Spanish to English
bloqueo interno de fondosinternal blocking of funds 
Spanish to English
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