Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association UMTIA
Name | Upper Midwest Translators and Interpreters Association |
Abbreviation | UMTIA |
Organization Type | Association |
Website | http://www.umtia.org |
Contact Name | Silvia McCalip |
Contact Title | President |
Contact Phone | 651-746-9467 |
Address | 875 Wilder St |
City | St. Paul, MN 55116 |
Country | Hoa Kỳ |
Description | UMTIA is a chapter of the American Translators Association. It's core membership is based in Minnesota, but it also represents areas of Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, and North Dakota. |
Admission Criteria |
Does not have admission criteria (or not applicable).
Training |
Offers training.
Credential |
Does not offer credential(s).
Fees | Individual: $40/year. Institutional: $60/year. Corporate: $80/year. Student: $25/year |