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Search results: (163 matches)
Trados support TagEditor crashes when opening a .ppt file I am attempting to use SDL Trados version (Build 863) with MS Office 2003
PowerPoint (.ppt) files. Since I installed the
most recent Trados update (Build 863), TadEditor
Paul Malone Dec 22, 2008
Poll Discussion Poll: When you outsource a job, do you tell your client? Yes - but I would only outsource in very specific circumstances I have only ever outsourced if; 1) I did not
cover the language pair in question and the
(direct) client had asked me to handle the job and
was fully aware that the translation projec
Paul Malone Nov 19, 2008
French Des problèmes avec l'URSSAF... Les contacter avec une preuve de paiement Bonjour Carla, Si le chèque a déjà été
débité de ton compte bancaire, il existe une
preuve que la cotisation a été réglée. Dans
ce cas, il suffit de prendre contact avec l
Paul Malone Nov 15, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Translation certification and language certification There is the CIOL Diploma in Translation The Diploma in Translation is organised by the
Chartered Institute of Linguists/IOL Educational
Trust based in London. You can find out more
about it at this
link: http://www.iol
Paul Malone Oct 8, 2008
Trados support Term recognition in Workbench showing only one match at a time? Use 'alt' plus the direction arrows Hello Jacques, I don't think you can get
several terms to show in the terminology window at
the same time, but you can change the term that
appears by pressing 'alt' plus the direction
Paul Malone Sep 19, 2008
Money matters Invoice settlement agencies (Factoring for translators) You could ask your bank I use a very similar system in France, which works
through my bank where I have my freelancer
business account. It is run by another company
within the same group as the bank. I enter<
Paul Malone Jul 24, 2008
Linguistics "Up" and "Down" with reference to direction in English There are no hard and fast rules This is a fascinating question. In England, if
you found yourself in court you would be up in
front of the judge, but if the judge sent you to
prison you would be going down. When yo
Paul Malone Jul 16, 2008
Translation Theory and Practice Diploma in Translation. Distance learning? Like Richard, I have two Dip Trans certificates.
Unlike Richard, it took me a few years to pass
them both! I nevertheless found doing these
qualifications to be an interesting, sat
Paul Malone Jul 12, 2008
Trados support Can't open PowerPoint files after translation I never managed to solve it Hi Christian, It was one of those difficult
times when you have a lot of work to deliver soon
and you start to get problems with the software,
so in fact I had to find a workaround
Paul Malone May 22, 2008
Getting established A little intimidated by a potential project Why not have it proofread? In your position I would take it. Why not see
if you can arrange for a more experienced
translator to proofread it for you before you
submit it, as some of the other posters have
Paul Malone May 17, 2008
Trados support Applying Multiterm as TM (or converting Multiterm to TM) Applying the terms automatically Hi again Languageman, Are you wanting to be
able to get your terms from your MultiTerm
termbase into your TagEditor document as you
translate without having to cut and paste them?
Paul Malone Apr 8, 2008
Trados support Applying Multiterm as TM (or converting Multiterm to TM) Use MultiTerm Convert Alternatively you could use MultiTerm Convert to
convert your Excel file into a MultiTerm .xml
file. Then create your Termbase with MultiTerm
and import your .xml file. You will then
Paul Malone Apr 7, 2008
Trados support MultiTerm 7 - how to identify and export duplicates Or export as a tab-delimited file Alternatively you could export your entire
database as a tab-delimited file, then open it as
a .txt file. This will give you quick access to
a full list of all your terms. You can also
Paul Malone Apr 5, 2008
Trados support Automatic translation / automatic substitution, localisation Yes, it is possible Hi Tor, In TagEditor, go into the 'Workbench
menu' and click 'Get current placeable'. Your '6,4
kg' should then 'drop' into the right place. If
that does not work correctly you would
Paul Malone Mar 27, 2008
Trados support TM doesn't appear to update automatically while using TagEditor TM updates as you translate Each time you use the 'set/close' command, your TM
will be updated. When working with TagEditor,
there is no 'clean up' process as there is when
you are working with Translator's Workbe
Paul Malone Dec 2, 2007
Software applications DNS 9 + TagEditor One way round it is to use the 'Dictation Box' I have had the same experience as you and I find
that it does work most of the time, but not all
the time. One suggestion I would make is that
you can use the 'dictation box' plus the
Paul Malone Dec 2, 2007
Business issues Agency asking for the following: After your ID? If I were you I'd be very careful. We hear so
much about identity theft these days, although I'm
sure your potential client wouldn't dream of such
a thing. Good luck Paul
Paul Malone Nov 6, 2007
Trados support Trados patch Issue resolved I contacted Trados support. I edited my filter
settings recently, which apparently led to this
problem as it created some kind of conflict with
the patch regarding the dates of the .xml
Paul Malone Oct 8, 2007
Trados support Trados patch Another problem with the "Trados patch" I too have had a problem since installing this
update. The first time I wanted to translate a
.ppt file in TagEditor, I received this
message: "Error when using plug-in file
Paul Malone Oct 7, 2007
Trados support Files that cause Workbench to crash Maybe you could try using SDLX? I know the feeling. I recently had a problem where
I had two .ppt files that refused to open in the
translated version after translation in
TagEditor. I never managed to solve the probl
Paul Malone Jun 30, 2007
Trados support Files that cause Workbench to crash You could try updating your Office software I have had problems with Word crashing in the past
when I was using it with Trados. The problem
was that there was an incompatibility between the
Trados version I was using and the Offi
Paul Malone Jun 30, 2007
Money matters My client (an agency) is asking to have the Translation Memory for the work I am doing. Isn't one of the purposes of TM is to provide better service? End clients do not want to pay for the same text
to be translated twice, which I consider to be
perfectly reasonable. Translation Memory (TM)
software makes that possible, which is one
Paul Malone Jun 29, 2007
Trados support Can't open PowerPoint files after translation No change Hi Vito, Thanks for your suggestion. I tried
it but unfortunately I'm still getting the same
error message. The source language .ppt opens
perfectly, the target version still giv
Paul Malone Jun 9, 2007
Trados support Can't open PowerPoint files after translation Can't open PowerPoint files after translation I have two PowerPoint files that I cannot open
after translating them in SDL Trados TagEditor.
When I use the 'Save Target As' command, the
file is saved as a .ppt file with the new na
Paul Malone Jun 8, 2007
Money matters Agency keeps cutting rates - what should I do? Put yourself in a position of strength If I understand you correctly, this is the only
agency you work with? I would agree with other
contributors that you need to have a much larger
client base in order to protect yourself
Paul Malone May 16, 2007
Lighter side of trans/interp Bit of light relief - fun test Red spanner I came up with 'red spanner', same as Alison, who
incidentally translates in the same two language
combinations as I do. Wonder if there's any
connection? But 'spanner' and 'hammer' do
Paul Malone May 15, 2007
Trados support TagEditor plug-ins working intermittently: Trados 2007 I think you are right Jerzy; the issue seems to be resolved Thanks for your comments and suggestions
guys. The issue seems to be resolved now. In
fact I had registered on line, but there seems to
have been some sort of conflict with the .lic
Paul Malone Apr 6, 2007
Trados support TagEditor plug-ins working intermittently: Trados 2007 TagEditor plug-ins working intermittently: Trados 2007 I installed SDL Trados 2007 yesterday and
everything seems to be working properly except the
TagEditor plugins. They work the first time I
want to use them after starting the applicati
Paul Malone Apr 6, 2007
Money matters How to collect debts in UK from abroad Have you thought of a professional collection service? Hi Chris, 1) Identify a professional debt
collection company with a good reputation, simply
by doing a web search, that offers professional
collection services in the jurisdiction conce
Paul Malone Mar 26, 2007
Off topic Tips for Strasburg, France Internet café web addresses Hi Dimitra, Here are some web addresses for
internet cafés in Strasbourg that I found on
m/ ht
Paul Malone Mar 24, 2007
Getting established New to the business Go for it! Hi Alfrandsen, Welcome to the profession! My
advice would be 'go for it'. I've just passed my
fifth anniversary as a freelancer and I'm coming
up to my eighth anniversary as a professio
Paul Malone Mar 21, 2007
Linguistics Wrong use of the expression 'free' Please note! Please also note that 'please notice' could be
considered by some to be verging on the erroneuous
Paul Malone Jul 2, 2006
French un avocat sur paris pour un client mauvais payeur ? Avez-vous pensé à passer par une société de recouvrement? Sur Paris (comme ailleurs) il existe des
sociétés spécialisées qui s'occupent de ce
genre de problème. Il en existe certaines qui
utilisent le système 'pas de succès, pas
Paul Malone Feb 8, 2006
Trados support Importing xml to MultiTerm 7 Check the index field names I think I had a similar problem. Maybe you should
check that the names at the head of each column in
the .xls file are exactly identical to the names
of the 'index fields' in the termbase
Paul Malone Nov 21, 2005
Trados support Tag Editor : How to edit font? Creating a 'new assignment' in TagEditor. On second thoughts, I don't think the answer I
gave you had anything to do with what you were
looking for! I do hope you get it sorted out
anyway. Personally, I would simply edit the MS
Paul Malone Nov 3, 2005
Trados support Shortcut to 'Get Translation' in TagEditor I am using Trados 7 Hi Harry, I am now using Trados 7, so this must be
something that has been changed since the previous
version. If you don't have it in 6.5.5, then it
must be a new feature; this would also
Paul Malone Oct 20, 2005
Trados support Shortcut to 'Get Translation' in TagEditor

[Edited at 2005-10-20 20:42]
Paul Malone Oct 20, 2005
Trados support Error while converting to Word document Thanks for your advice - I seem to have solved the problem. Hi Jerzy, thanks for your help. I seem to have
solved the problem, so I'll explain how as this
could be useful to any others who have this
problem. At one point, while translating, I
Paul Malone Oct 18, 2005
Trados support Error while converting to Word document I'm using TagEditor to translate the file Hi everybody, thanks for your ideas. I didn't
explain this problem very well at all; please
forgive me. I should have mentioned that I am
translating the Word document in TagEditor (und
Paul Malone Oct 18, 2005
Trados support Shortcut to 'Get Translation' in TagEditor Alt+shift+insert The shortcut for 'Get Translation' in TagEditor is
'Alt+Shift+Insert'. In TagEditor, to get the
keyboard shortcuts, all you have to do is either
click on the 'Workbench' menu or type Alt+b
Paul Malone Oct 17, 2005
Trados support Error while converting to Word document Error while converting to Word document Error in Trados 7. When attempting to save a
document as an MS Word document, I'm getting the
error message 'error while converting to word'.
Does anybody have any ideas?
Paul Malone Oct 17, 2005
Trados support Multiterm 7 Another thought Hi again Richard, There is aother thing, which
I'm not sure about, it's just a sneaking
suspicion. At step 2 of the import wizard there
is a box to check; 'Fast import (import file is<
Paul Malone Jul 22, 2005
Trados support Multiterm 7 I have Hi Richard, I'm using the same software as you and
I have also had this problem. In my case it also
happened when I was trying to import - the program
crashed at about 92% of the import.
Paul Malone Jul 21, 2005
Trados support Importing an Excel-based glossary into MTiX The MultiTerm tutorial is very useful When I first used Trados and MuliTerm, I found the
tutorial excellent. I find it great fun converting
Excel files into termbases that allow you to
actually insert terms directly into your<
Paul Malone Jul 21, 2005
Trados support Term recognition not working, Trados 7 I've solved it I've apparently solved the problem by changing the
settings. I went into the following Workbench
menu; Options, term recognition options, settings.
I then found that the search depth was s
Paul Malone Jul 13, 2005
Trados support Term recognition not working, Trados 7 Term recognition not working, Trados 7 I have installed both Trados 7 and MultiTerm 7.
The term recognition function in Word is not
working properly. The program displays the source
term only in the term recognition window. The
Paul Malone Jul 13, 2005
Trados support How long between ordering Trados 7.0 and receiving download? ('7.0 is here!') Thank you, Antonin, you're right! Thank you very much Antonin, I've just checked
and, would you believe it, you are absolutely
right!!! The strange thing is that the Trados
customer service people have not been able to<
Paul Malone Jul 12, 2005
Trados support How long between ordering Trados 7.0 and receiving download? ('7.0 is here!') Thanks Nina, it looks like I'm going to have to contact Trados again I've just checked again, and the only links for
MultiTerm I have are for MultiTerm 6.2 I'll
send yet another e-mail to Trados, and try to
remain as calm, polite and patient as possible.
Paul Malone Jul 12, 2005
Trados support How long between ordering Trados 7.0 and receiving download? ('7.0 is here!') MultiTerm 7 I have finally received Trados 7, downloaded it
and installed it. For some of the new functions
to work, Trados recommend using 'MultTerm 7
Desktop', but I have no link in the customer
Paul Malone Jul 12, 2005
Trados support how do I get from Trados 6.5.5 to Trados 7? A long wait! It seems many of us are having to wait a while
longer than we expected. And I was so looking
forward to receiving Trados 7! But if it lives up
to expectations when we finally get it, mayb
Paul Malone Jul 6, 2005

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Trados Studio 2022 Freelance
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