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Search results: (163 matches)
ForumWątekTytułTekstAutor wątkuCzas
Poll Discussion Poll: How do you mark tough terms/phrases you will solve at a later stage? Add a comment in the CAT tool I use the CAT tool to add a comment, so that when
I come to revise the segment I know what my query
was. This automatically highlights the segment for
me in the CAT tool and also lets me d
Paul Malone Oct 5, 2011
Business issues Which language for word count? The source language word count I always use the source language word count. That
makes it clear for both the client and the
translator from the outset what the cost of the
translation will be and how much the translator
Paul Malone Aug 3, 2011
Translation Theory and Practice Troubles arising from poor English -but is it really poor? Yes, I think it sounds OK in English For "more..... than he will say" you could read
"more than he is willing to say" or "more than he
is prepared to admit". Maybe this wording would
make the meaning clearer to you.
Paul Malone Dec 16, 2010
Linguistics value of DipTrans (Iol, UK) I think it is a worthwhile qualification I have two of them and I'm always surprised to
hear about people who are unable to get enough
translation work. Even since the financial
crisis started I have rarely been short of work
Paul Malone Nov 20, 2010
Trados support Number localization incorrect when translating into English with Studio SP3 I'm using SDL Trados Studio SP3 to
translate from French and German into
English. This version of the software does not
appear to be localizing the numbers correctly for
Paul Malone Oct 11, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: What are your plans for International Translation Day this year? Travelling to Prague I'll be flying from Strasbourg to Prague to do a
bit of sightseeing before attending the 7th Conference this weekend.

at 2010-09-29 10:58 GMT]
Paul Malone Sep 29, 2010
Trados support Can't add term within Studio 2009 The keyboard shortcut could be different. [quote]You can insert terms with CTRL-ALT-L
without using AutoSuggest at all.
[/quote] In my application I use CTRL-SHIFT-L.
I'm not sure if I set it up that way or if it
Paul Malone Aug 10, 2010
Trados support Term Recognition does not work after importing entries Did you open Trados Workbench? Hi Attila, If your entries are in MT and
everything is working properly, it sounds like the
import worked correctly, despite the error
message. Did you use Trados 2007 recently or
Paul Malone Aug 4, 2010
Trados support SDL MultiTerm 8.1.1264.0 (SP2) probem - cannot add or edit terms from inside Studio SP2 Problem solved Thank you for the information Thomas. I looked at
my version number and it was already the same as
the one you are quoting (9.1.1264.0). However,
your message gave me an idea and I sim
Paul Malone Apr 4, 2010
Trados support SDL MultiTerm 8.1.1264.0 (SP2) probem - cannot add or edit terms from inside Studio SP2 Already tried that... ... and guess what? It did not make one iota of
difference. Good old Trados!
Paul Malone Mar 25, 2010
Translation news Britons arrested abroad will lose the right to a translator They'll just have to make sure they don't get
arrested then!
Paul Malone Mar 22, 2010
Trados support Can't open PowerPoint files after translation I have build 863 Hi Wakako, The build I have on my machine is
863. I don't use it much now, I mainly use
Studio 2009. Best regards, Paul
Paul Malone Mar 17, 2010
Trados support SDL MultiTerm 8.1.1264.0 (SP2) probem - cannot add or edit terms from inside Studio SP2 Where can I get the correct Java version? I seem to have managed to delete the wrong Java VM
version while trying to sort this out. Does anyone
know where I could download the correct version
(as opposed to the most recent one)?
Paul Malone Mar 16, 2010
Getting established Iol - Diptrans - Questions/Restrictions Answer to the last part of your question Hi Paula, To answer the final part of your
question, you are entitled to hold the Diploma in
Translation without being obliged to become a
member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists
Paul Malone Feb 28, 2010
Professional development IoL DipTrans results Definitely May They usually arrive around the first week in May,
in my experience. Maybe things have got a bit
quicker in recent years, but personally I wouldn't
be prepared to bet on that :-) Goo
Paul Malone Feb 3, 2010
Money matters How to take action against Bad Payers? Blue Board entry, yes. I only entered details of an extremely late
payment by a client once (so far), but it seemed
to do the trick - my invoice was paid in full
within a very short time. That meant that is<
Paul Malone Feb 1, 2010
In memoriam Gone, but not forgotten: colleague Margreet Logmans passed away Sincere condolences from France Her contributions to the forums will be greatly
missed by many. Sincere condolences to her
family and friends at this sad time. Paul
Paul Malone Jan 21, 2010
General technical issues Problems sending emails to UK Yes! I thought it was just me, or possibly a problem
related to my ISP, but my main UK client has been
receving e-mails from me about 12 hours late over
the last few days. Clients in other
Paul Malone Jan 15, 2010
Getting established Getting started as a young linguist. Enthusiasm, positive attitude and hard work. Hi Simon, I would say that a real desire to
become a translator, a positive attitude and hard
work are very important. I would definitely
agree with the colleagues who are encouragi
Paul Malone Jan 11, 2010
Being independent Dip Trans (IoL): resource materials. Yes, the options do appear on the certificates Yes, the semi-specialised options you take are
shown on the certificates. I have two Dip Trans
certificates, both of which show 'Science' and
'Technology' as semi-specialised options.
Paul Malone Nov 18, 2009
Being independent Dip Trans (IoL): resource materials. Addresses of the websites that you would have used If you come across terminology that is not in your
dictionaries, even specialist ones, but you know
exactly where you could have found the information
on the web, you should be ready to gi
Paul Malone Nov 16, 2009
Poll Discussion Poll: Is knowledge of English essential for a translator? I voted no I can't see why a knowledge of English would be
essential for all translators, regardless of which
language pairs, countries and circumstances they
are working in. Useful, yes, very, b
Paul Malone Nov 5, 2009
Trados support ENGLISH US TM and TAG EDITOR ENGLISH UK Export the TM, then import it into a new TM with US English Good evening L.G.F. All you have to do is 1)
export the content of your TM 2) create a new
TM with US English as the target language 3)
import the content of the TM into your n
Paul Malone Oct 13, 2009
Trados support Can't open PowerPoint files after translation You did the right thing in the circumstances. Yes, that's a possibility I forgot to
suggest. That method has also saved me many
times. Strange that Trados usually seems to work
with open source software but not necessarily with
Paul Malone Oct 7, 2009
Trados support Can't open PowerPoint files after translation Are all your Trados patches up to date. Hi Hanna, I have (fortunately) not had the same
problem since, but I seem to remember that I did
have some other issues with .ppt files and .ttx
that were solved after I installed a pa
Paul Malone Oct 7, 2009
French Le DipTrans de l'IOL est-il reconnu en France? Equivalence C'est vrai que ce diplôme est un diplôme
professionnel plutôt qu'un diplôme
universitaire. Pour info, ce diplôme est
classé "Niveau 7", ce qui, au moins en
Angleterre, est co
Paul Malone Sep 28, 2009
French Connaissez-vous le "Diploma in Translation" de l'IoL ? Des ordinateurs sont disponibles Quand j'ai passé des examens au British Council
à Paris, le centre était très bien équipé
avec un parc d'ordinateurs
récent. Normalement, il faut s'inscrire avant
la fin du m
Paul Malone Sep 23, 2009
French Connaissez-vous le "Diploma in Translation" de l'IoL ? Oui! Bonjour Caroline, Je suis d'accord avec Neil.
Je suis installé en France, et je trouve aussi
que ce diplôme est connu/reconnu au niveau
international par les agences et ceux qui
Paul Malone Sep 20, 2009
In memoriam RIP Richard Benham Very sad news I only knew Richard through the forums on this
site, but we shared the same language pairs and
had similar interests as regards specialist
fields. He was someone I admired enormously,
Paul Malone Aug 27, 2009
Getting established where to sit the DipTrans exam I agree with Angela about IT facilities I would just like to agree with what Angela said
about preferring a centre with IT facilities. I
would advise any candidate to think very carefully
before choosing to sit these exams wh
Paul Malone Aug 20, 2009 job systems Illegal use of data from profile What does Mr. Ohrimenko think he's playing at? The website is being hosted in Namibia and the
"netblock owner" is one Dmitriy Ohrimenko,
according to Perhaps we
should all take a trip to Namibia, all 250,000 of
Paul Malone Aug 6, 2009
Off topic What happened to Laurent K? Change of user name? It's just a shot in the dark, I don't know
anything, but could he have changed his user name?
Could that be a possible explanation as to why you
can't find his profile? I wouldn't have
Paul Malone Aug 6, 2009
Money matters How do you charge VAT? You add it as a percentage of the invoice. When you raise an invoice for the translation, the
VAT is added on at the end to give a final total
that includes VAT. You use the currently
applicable VAT rate in the country concerne
Paul Malone Aug 5, 2009
Windows operating systems Greetings from a new co-moderator of this forum Welcome to your new role, Emanuela Well done for offering your services, and may
everything go well for you in your new
role! Best wishes, Paul
Paul Malone Aug 3, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009 - Term recognition not working Issue still not resolved Hi Mindaugas, Gareth and everyone, I still have
not managed to resolve this issue. I followed
the procedure suggested by Gareth, but
unfortunately I still have the same symptoms. I
Paul Malone Jun 16, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009 - Term recognition not working I'll try that I'll try that, thanks Gareth. Paul Malone Jun 12, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009 - Term recognition not working Yes, I did install MultiTerm first Interesting. For the moment I've had to
uninstall so that I can carry on working. When
I re-install I'll do so in the opposite order.
I seemed to think I'd read somewhere that
Paul Malone Jun 12, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009 - Term recognition not working I didn't have any problems with the licence... Hi Jamwis, I didn't have any problems with the
licence as far as I'm aware, so as far as I can
tell something else must be wrong. But what? The
software all seems to be working fine apa
Paul Malone Jun 9, 2009
Trados support Studio 2009 - Term recognition not working Hi all, I have successfully installed both SDL
Trados Studio 2009 and SDL MultiTerm 2009. Both
programs appear to be working correctly, however,
I cannot use the "term recognition" f
Paul Malone Jun 8, 2009
Trados support .ttx and .ttw These are Trados files Hi Sheridan, You have received Trados files.
The .ttx file is a Trados TagEditor file and the
.tmw is a Trados Workbench translation memory (TM)
file. I don't think you'll be able to
Paul Malone May 22, 2009
Trados support Trados 2009 Early Access Program: Anyone tried it? Thanks Gareth! Hi Gareth, That's good news, thank you. I'm
looking forward to the launch. Best
regards, Paul
Paul Malone May 20, 2009
Trados support Trados 2009 Early Access Program: Anyone tried it? Thanks Jerzy! I use the AutoText function a lot and it helps me
work more quickly. I suspect the AutoSuggest
function will be quicker once I've got used to
using it, but I was worried about having t
Paul Malone May 20, 2009
Trados support Trados 2009 Early Access Program: Anyone tried it? Does Studio 2009 still have the AutoText function? I was wondering if anyone who has been able to
test the program could tell me whether or not
Trados Studio 2009 still has the same AutoText
function that is available in TagEditor? Than
Paul Malone May 20, 2009 profile help Can someone please proofread my profile? I think it's too long Hi Andreas, I've had a quick look at the
English and it looks fine to me. However, I
think you are packing in far too much information.
I believe a lot of it is unnecessary. I don
Paul Malone May 6, 2009
Trados support Do you want AutoSuggest included in Trados Suite 2009? Here's how to vote Just added my vote too. Just been there to add my vote too. Paul Malone May 6, 2009
Trados support TagEditor crashes when opening a .ppt file Quick update - issue resolved Just a quick additional note to say that I
downloaded and installed the hotfixes and this has
solved the problem. Thanks again to
all. Best regards, Paul
Paul Malone Mar 11, 2009
Trados support TagEditor crashes when opening a .ppt file Thank you Hi Roland, Thank you for the information. I
tried it and I also found that I could open the
files successfully. Thanks also to Gareth for
the information. Best wishes, Paul
Paul Malone Mar 11, 2009
Professional development DipTrans source text format when using a computer It is usually always on paper I've done the Dip Trans for two different language
combinations and the source text has always been
on paper. I did German to English last
year. Knowing the IOL Educational Trust as I
Paul Malone Jan 12, 2009
Trados support TagEditor crashes when opening a .ppt file Issue still not resolved Hi Mike, No news at all yet. I've found a
workaround by converting the .ppt files into
OpenOffice files, which then open in TagEditor for
translation. I will need to get in touch
Paul Malone Jan 9, 2009
Trados support TagEditor crashes when opening a .ppt file I'm certain about the build number (Build 863) I've checked the version number again and I'm
quite sure it is (Build 863). I'll
try your suggestion and see what
happens. Thanks, Paul
Paul Malone Dec 22, 2008

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