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103 - Legal Terminology: Family Law Terminology

This discussion belongs to training » "103 - Legal Terminology: Family Law Terminology".
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Margreet Mohle
Margreet Mohle  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
Thành viên kể từ 2010
French to Dutch
+ ...
Prerequisites? Sep 19, 2011


I'm interested in improving my legal terminology from a court interpreter's point of view, mostly in family law (and criminal, but I see that's not offered). Do these courses build one on another, or could I just take the one on family law? Thank you for your advice.
Kind regards,

Suzanne Deliscar
Suzanne Deliscar  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:17
Spanish to English
+ ...
No Prerequisites for Family Law 103 Sep 22, 2011

Hi Margreet, You can take each course as a standalone. There are no prerequisites. Enjoy, and thanks for your interest, Suzanne Deliscar

Walter Solo
Walter Solo  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 23:17
English to Spanish
+ ...
Videos purchased Jul 29, 2014

I purchased all five, taking advantage of the discount. However, I have not received a link, nor a receipt for the purchase. I checked PP and the transaction went through.
When I clicked where it says: "After you purchase access click here to watch the video." it tells me I need to purchase the video.
Please check on this.


Helen Shepelenko
Helen Shepelenko
Videos purchased Jul 29, 2014

Walter Solo wrote:

I purchased all five, taking advantage of the discount. However, I have not received a link, nor a receipt for the purchase. I checked PP and the transaction went through.
When I clicked where it says: "After you purchase access click here to watch the video." it tells me I need to purchase the video.
Please check on this.


Hi Walter,

Thank you very much for your interest in the training series.

Please note that when a special offer is purchased, some time is needed so that the payment is processed and registration status is updated. I see you have been registered for the sessions and upcon course completion you may wish to submit a support request and ask for certificates of attendance,

Hope this helps.

My bests,


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103 - Legal Terminology: Family Law Terminology

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