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Improvements to the invoicing tool
Người gửi thông tin lên tuyến đoạn: Jason Grimes
susan rose (X)
susan rose (X)  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 14:56
German to English
THUMBS UP Sep 24, 2013

I think this is a great feature, Jason. Thanks!

Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
Hà Lan
Local time: 23:56
Dutch to English
preferences Sep 30, 2013

Great tool! It would be even greater if it remembered my preferences (send only PDF, uncheck "ask for translator feedback"). And is there a way to change the date format? I invoice at the end of the month and at the moment I have to go through and delete the day in every email I send.



Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
How do you want to display the date? Oct 1, 2013

Olly Pekelharing wrote:
Great tool! It would be even greater if it remembered my preferences (send only PDF, uncheck "ask for translator feedback").

Hi Olly,

This is a good idea, thanks. I'll look into adding this.

And is there a way to change the date format? I invoice at the end of the month and at the moment I have to go through and delete the day in every email I send.

Are you saying that you want the invoice date to be shown as just "October 2013" instead of "31 October 2013"? If so, would you want the ability to show both? (ex. "Invoice for the month of October 2013" and "Date issued: 31 October 2013".)


Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
Invoice sending preferences are now remembered Oct 1, 2013

When sending an invoice, the settings will now default to the values used the last time you sent an invoice.

Thanks for the suggestion, Olly!


Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
Listing all unpaid invoices Oct 3, 2013

It's now easier to view a list of all of your unpaid invoices at once.

When filtering the list of invoices in the browse invoices page, setting "status" to "open" now shows all invoices that are not closed (i.e. paid). Previously, past due invoices had to be searched for separately.

A new "status" option has been added to show only "open and not past due" invoices, so it's still
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It's now easier to view a list of all of your unpaid invoices at once.

When filtering the list of invoices in the browse invoices page, setting "status" to "open" now shows all invoices that are not closed (i.e. paid). Previously, past due invoices had to be searched for separately.

A new "status" option has been added to show only "open and not past due" invoices, so it's still possible to reproduce the previous behavior.

Best regards,


Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
Hà Lan
Local time: 23:56
Dutch to English
date display Oct 3, 2013

Hi Jason,

It's great that major changes are finally being made to this tool. As you say, I'd like to be able to display the date as "October 2013". And I'm sure some people would like to be able to display both.



Nicolas Racine
Nicolas Racine  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:56
English to French
Kudos for the Batch tool Oct 3, 2013


First, many thanks for the batch tool, especially the "export to PDF", which I use quite often.

I would like to make a suggestion for this feature: I like that the pdf files are all in a zip file. However, the PDF created do not use the prefix i specified. For example, all my invoices follow this name pattern TNR_[year]-[####] so onne invoice may be TNR_13-0075, where TNR os the prefix I entered in the settings.

Using the Batch PDF files creator, I
... See more

First, many thanks for the batch tool, especially the "export to PDF", which I use quite often.

I would like to make a suggestion for this feature: I like that the pdf files are all in a zip file. However, the PDF created do not use the prefix i specified. For example, all my invoices follow this name pattern TNR_[year]-[####] so onne invoice may be TNR_13-0075, where TNR os the prefix I entered in the settings.

Using the Batch PDF files creator, I get "invoice_13-0075" instead of "TNR_13-0075".

Is this something that can be fixed?

Thank you

Nicolas Racine

Victoria Britten
Victoria Britten  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
French to English
+ ...
Quote tool Oct 4, 2013

Jason Grimes wrote:

What do you use for creating quotes today? What do your quotes look like (i.e. what information do they include)? How do you track the quotes you have sent out?



I came onto this discussion to see if anyone else was interested and I'm encouraged to discover they are. I don't have that much experience, but my quotes are very similar to invoices, the only fairly regular addition being a "time" field (by 15th October/5 working days from PO date/...). As for tracking them, I currently just file them, separately from invoices, by customer and date.

I would be happy enough for starters just to be able to choose between create quote/create invoice, with the same fields for both - and, ideally, the possibility to make an invoice from a quote when the job's done. They could either appear under a separate tab or with a filter in the invoice search tool.

I hope this helps.



Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
Added the ability to send multiple invoices/payment reminders at one time Oct 4, 2013

Hi everyone,

I've added the ability to send multiple invoices and/or payment reminders at one time.

To use this feature, select the invoices you want to send on the browse invoices page, and then click the "Send / remind" button at the bottom. A screen will be shown to confirm and edit settings before sending the invoices.

If any invoices you've selected have a past-due balance, a pa
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Hi everyone,

I've added the ability to send multiple invoices and/or payment reminders at one time.

To use this feature, select the invoices you want to send on the browse invoices page, and then click the "Send / remind" button at the bottom. A screen will be shown to confirm and edit settings before sending the invoices.

If any invoices you've selected have a past-due balance, a payment reminder message will be sent. Otherwise, your normal "send invoice" message will be used.

Email recipients are automatically determined as follows:

1. The email address(es) to which that invoice was last sent, if any.
2. The email address(es) to which an invoice for that client was last sent, if any.
3. The contact email address(es) configured for that client.

If no recipient can be determined for an invoice, or if you want to send it to a different email address, just send the invoice individually and the recipient will be remembered for future batch operations.

Thank you to Ahmed Maher, Partha Sarathi Satpathy, and others who suggested this feature.

As always, feedback is welcome.

Best regards,


Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
Batch exported PDFs now respect your preferred filename prefix Oct 4, 2013

Nicolas Racine wrote:
I would like to make a suggestion for this feature: I like that the pdf files are all in a zip file. However, the PDF created do not use the prefix i specified. For example, all my invoices follow this name pattern TNR_[year]-[####] so onne invoice may be TNR_13-0075, where TNR os the prefix I entered in the settings.

Using the Batch PDF files creator, I get "invoice_13-0075" instead of "TNR_13-0075".

Is this something that can be fixed?

Hi Nicolas,

Thanks for pointing this out. It should be working correctly now; batch exported PDFs should now respect your preferred filename prefix.



Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
Added invoice template variable for displaying date without the day Oct 4, 2013

Olly Pekelharing wrote:
It's great that major changes are finally being made to this tool. As you say, I'd like to be able to display the date as "October 2013".

Hi Olly,

I've added support for a new "placeholder" in invoice templates to display the date with just the month and year (leaving out the day). You'll need to use a custom invoice template to make this work. (I see you use custom templates already.)

Go to your invoice template settings, and either edit an existing template or copying an existing template to create a new one.

In the new template, change the invoice date placeholder from %invoice_date% to %invoice_date_month_year% to render the date as, for example, "Oct 2013" instead of "4 Oct 2013".

I hope this helps. Thanks for the suggestion.

Best regards,


Jason Grimes
Jason Grimes
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
+ ...
Would this simple approach to creating quotes be useful? Oct 4, 2013

Victoria Britten wrote:
I would be happy enough for starters just to be able to choose between create quote/create invoice, with the same fields for both - and, ideally, the possibility to make an invoice from a quote when the job's done. They could either appear under a separate tab or with a filter in the invoice search tool.

Hi Victoria,

Thanks for the information about what you need in a quote management tool.

In the interest of discovering the minimum requirements for such a tool, would something like the following be useful?

* Make a custom invoice template that says "Quote" instead of "Invoice".
* To generate a quote, create an invoice using the "quote" template, and save it as a "draft" invoice.
* When the quote is accepted, convert the invoice from "draft" to "open" and change the template from "quote" to "invoice".

I think this is all possible with the tool as it exists today, though it could be made easier to do.

If this is too simplistic, what are the minimum features you'd need in addition to the above for it to be useful?

Feedback is welcome from anyone interested in a quote tool.



Oliver Pekelharing
Oliver Pekelharing  Identity Verified
Hà Lan
Local time: 23:56
Dutch to English
Invoice Language Oct 5, 2013

Hi Jason,

Getting better all the time! Thanks for making the changes. One other thing that I never bothered to mention before is that, though I have the language for a template set to 'Dutch', it displays the dates in English. Is there any way to change this? And while I'm at it, I have a template set to 'English', but it displays currencies using the Dutch convention (2.000,00 instead of 2,000.00). It would be cool if the invoice would display the English currency (though of course
... See more
Hi Jason,

Getting better all the time! Thanks for making the changes. One other thing that I never bothered to mention before is that, though I have the language for a template set to 'Dutch', it displays the dates in English. Is there any way to change this? And while I'm at it, I have a template set to 'English', but it displays currencies using the Dutch convention (2.000,00 instead of 2,000.00). It would be cool if the invoice would display the English currency (though of course it has to be the Dutch denotation for my internal use). I appreciate this may be asking too much!



Christopher & Rozilene Frye
Christopher & Rozilene Frye  Identity Verified
Local time: 19:56
Thành viên kể từ 2011
Portuguese to English
+ ...
Total of invoices in USD Oct 8, 2013

It is very helpful that the total of invoices is converted into USD. Now if they could only do the same thing for "Sales by Client"...

Lars Johannessen
Lars Johannessen  Identity Verified
Tây Ban Nha
Local time: 23:56
Thành viên kể từ 2006
English to Norwegian
+ ...
Email proposal Oct 8, 2013

Hello Jason,

Thanks for the helpful invoicing tool!

I'd like to use another email address when sending invoices. I'd like to separate invoicing related messages and translation messages.

It looks like the Invoicing tool is only having the profile email address as primary contact.

I'd like to know if this would be possible.

Thanks again for collecting feedback from us.
Best regards,

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Improvements to the invoicing tool

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