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Complimentary TM-Town membership for ProZ.com members
Người gửi thông tin lên tuyến đoạn: Jared Tabor
Tom in London
Tom in London
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên kể từ 2008
Italian to English
Thanks to Maxi Schwarz Apr 28, 2016

Thanks to Maxi for taking the time to express some very cogent views. I particularly agree that the would-be joke: that as a profession, "we would make for terrible mobsters. Translators love to rat each other out" fell flat on its face. I'm not happy about the general tone.

[Edited at 2016-04-28 19:34 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên kể từ 2008
Italian to English
Seems Apr 28, 2016

Krys Williams wrote:

....I am seriously considering cancelling my Proz membership as a result.

It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking. For that reason I too am considering my position.

Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI  Identity Verified
Cộng hòa Séc
Local time: 23:56
Thành viên kể từ 2008
English to Czech
no Apr 28, 2016

Kevin Dias wrote:
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI wrote:
What is the point of such ranking system then, when a better place can be achieved simply by collecting as much bilingual data on the Internet as possible?

You conveniently only quoted the first half of my sentence. Let me re-quote the full sentence:
"For example, a translator could upload a public DGT TM file, mark it as 'For Reference Only', and then search those segments through our browser search feature or through one of our CAT tool extensions."

I'm not sure there was any convenient quoting; the mention about DGT TM simply led me to another concern. If the "reference" use solves this (it was not obvious from your wording in the previous post that "privately" means not included in the TU count), good (I'm not sure why would anyone upload DGT TM somewhere only to be able to search it when they can do the same off-line more conveniently, but that is a different thing).

But then on the other hand it gives more room to the confidentiality concern. Because, if reference TMs are not included in the TUs for ranking, it seems that e.g. in case of some huge TUs numbers at some translators where public data were not used, there is (merely statistically) a higher likeliness that confidentiality could have been violated (even if not intentionally).

That concern aside, the TM Town mechanism seems to give those who think (incorrectly to the best of my knowledge) that unless there is a verbatim NDA etc., the source text is automatically theirs, an advantage in the ranking (or in the procedure - one-click TM upload vs. Deshi extraction which I think would be a bit demanding with e.g. 500k words; and I'm still not certain if uploading source sentences split into individual words, instead of uploading source sentences in their original form, prevents all potential confidentiality issues) against those who see this more strictly. In other words, more cautious approach would, ironically, seem to be penalized.

(This then goes back to the "Of course" part of mine here:
http://www.proz.com/forum/prozcom_translator_coop/300979-complimentary_tm_town_membership_for_prozcom_members-page8.html#2546963 )

PS The blog post says "Starting today on TM-Town...". The posts are not dated, but no matter if this one is 1 month or 6 months old, how were the TU uploads categorized before the document declaration was introduced? Would have an earlier DGT TM upload counted towards the public TU number both then and now?

[Edited at 2016-04-28 23:46 GMT]

Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI
Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI  Identity Verified
Cộng hòa Séc
Local time: 23:56
Thành viên kể từ 2008
English to Czech
where Apr 28, 2016

Tom in London wrote:
It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking.

Where is this implied or elaborated?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên
Dutch to English
+ ...
Krys, it's not a scam ... Apr 28, 2016

Krys Williams wrote:

Well I finally got in, but got stuck at the point where the web site wanted me to upload translations or a TM.

Sorry, my translations and TMs are my intellectual property and I am not making them available for others to steal.

So then it suggested I download some unknown software which would "analyse" my TMs.

I searched for this "Deshi" software online and found no pertinent references apart from a link to a dodgy Indian site. No way am I going to install something like that!

This all seems very much like a scam.

I have more than enough work offered to me and new client enquiries as it is, so I am not willing to engage with such a dodgy sounding web site just on the offchance of getting another client or two!

Actually, the more I think about this, the angrier I get that Proz is pushing it. I am seriously considering cancelling my Proz membership as a result.

[Edited at 2016-04-28 19:26 GMT]

… it's just a new idea, and new ideas sometimes seem outlandish and scary at first.

I personally don't really need TM-Town, as I have more than enough good clients at the moment, but I do find it disappointing that so many translators are completely misjudging the whole thing so radically. TM-Town and Deshi are definitely legit, but there seems little point belabouring the point, as there are people who will disagree no matter what I or anyone else here says.

To be honest, all this scaremongering nonsense actually makes me want to upgrade my Starter plan (which I got for free with my Proz membership) to the full whammy, just to be contrary


Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên
Dutch to English
+ ...
:-) Apr 28, 2016

Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI wrote:

Tom in London wrote:
It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking.

Where is this implied or elaborated?

In his mind.

Tom in London
Tom in London
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên kể từ 2008
Italian to English
By Apr 28, 2016

Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI wrote:

Tom in London wrote:
It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking.

Where is this implied or elaborated?

By its very existence.

Tom in London
Tom in London
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên kể từ 2008
Italian to English
Back Apr 28, 2016

Michael J.W. Beijer wrote:

Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI wrote:

Tom in London wrote:
It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking.

Where is this implied or elaborated?

In his mind.

Back on the ad-homs again, Michael?

Michael Beijer
Michael Beijer  Identity Verified
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 22:56
Thành viên
Dutch to English
+ ...
yup Apr 28, 2016

Tom in London wrote:

Michael J.W. Beijer wrote:

Tomas Mosler, DipTrans IoLET MCIL MITI wrote:

Tom in London wrote:
It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking.

Where is this implied or elaborated?

In his mind.

Back on the ad-homs again, Michael?

All this groundless paranoia is just so incredibly tedious.


Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 19:56
Be careful with speculation Apr 28, 2016

Tom in London wrote:

It does seem that unless you sign up for this TMTown thing, and pay extra, you will actually end up being disadvantaged in your Proz ranking.

This is incorrect.

Let me take the opportunity to ask all participants here to help keep the discussion as on track as possible: questions or concerns about the complimentary TM-Town membership, or about how TM-Town works. Thanks.

Claudio Rondeico
Claudio Rondeico  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:56
English to Portuguese
+ ...
Doesn't seem safe to me Apr 28, 2016

I simply don't feel it's safe to upload my work to a server and expect it to be secured against what I'd consider misuse (feeding a MT database without knowing for instance).
Hopefully I'm wrong.

..... (X)
..... (X)
Local time: 07:56
TMs you upload are NOT used to train machine translation ("MT") Apr 28, 2016

Claudio Rondeico wrote:
I simply don't feel it's safe to upload my work to a server and expect it to be secured against what I'd consider misuse (feeding a MT database without knowing for instance).
Hopefully I'm wrong.

Please see the TM-Town Content Confidentiality and Data Usage Policies:
- TMs you upload are NOT used to train machine translation ("MT")

Robert Rietvelt
Robert Rietvelt  Identity Verified
Local time: 23:56
Thành viên kể từ 2006
Spanish to Dutch
+ ...
Agree with Michael Apr 28, 2016

Michael J.W. Beijer wrote:

Krys Williams wrote:

Well I finally got in, but got stuck at the point where the web site wanted me to upload translations or a TM.

Sorry, my translations and TMs are my intellectual property and I am not making them available for others to steal.

So then it suggested I download some unknown software which would "analyse" my TMs.

I searched for this "Deshi" software online and found no pertinent references apart from a link to a dodgy Indian site. No way am I going to install something like that!

This all seems very much like a scam.

I have more than enough work offered to me and new client enquiries as it is, so I am not willing to engage with such a dodgy sounding web site just on the offchance of getting another client or two!

Actually, the more I think about this, the angrier I get that Proz is pushing it. I am seriously considering cancelling my Proz membership as a result.

[Edited at 2016-04-28 19:26 GMT]

… it's just a new idea, and new ideas sometimes seem outlandish and scary at first.

I personally don't really need TM-Town, as I have more than enough good clients at the moment, but I do find it disappointing that so many translators are completely misjudging the whole thing so radically. TM-Town and Deshi are definitely legit, but there seems little point belabouring the point, as there are people who will disagree no matter what I or anyone else here says.

To be honest, all this scaremongering nonsense actually makes me want to upgrade my Starter plan (which I got for free with my Proz membership) to the full whammy, just to be contrary


Like I said before on another forum, it is just a new platform. Use it or don't use it, but stop 'nagging'. You will encounter more innovations in the future. A lot on this forum sounds like my (imaginary) grandfather, who used horse and cart to get somewhere and refused to travel by car.

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
Portuguese to English
+ ...
useful how? Apr 28, 2016

I fail to see how this site is supposed to be useful to me when:
a) it only allows one language pair (i have three), and;
b) so much of it seems to depend upon me uploading documents, but 90% or more of the work I do is protected by NDAs and Confidentiality Agreements, so I can not upload any of it, and I definitely don't have time to sit around sanitizing documents (I.e. removing names or other protected data)

Anthony Baldwin
Anthony Baldwin  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 17:56
Portuguese to English
+ ...
não se preocupe Colega Apr 28, 2016

Carmen Pralow wrote:

Es ist schade, dass dieses Angebot nur in Englisch bekannt gemacht wird. Ich denke, ich bin nicht die Einzige, die kein Englisch spricht und daher außen vor ist.

Não se sinta mal, Carmen, você realmente não esta perdendo nada de valor nessa oferta. ja provei e não achei nada util. Para minha parte, eu não acho que acrescenta nada de valor que o proz carece

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Complimentary TM-Town membership for ProZ.com members

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