How to hide or remove tags?
Người gửi thông tin lên tuyến đoạn: Frank Zou
Frank Zou
Frank Zou  Identity Verified
Trung Quốc
Local time: 06:31
Thành viên kể từ 2016
Chinese to English
+ ...
Jun 25, 2016

I'm translating a PPTX file that contains a lot of tags. It's quite troublesome when I translate it in TRADOS 2015 because there are too many tags. You guys have any ideas to make it easy?

Thank you for your input!

Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 18:31
Portuguese to English
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might this help? Jun 25, 2016

Since PPTX files are created through MS PowerPoint, you should try the program called Translator Tools, developed by Stanislav Okhvat, which you can find at . It's free, lightweight, and easy, plus Stan is very open to feedback or questions. You'll probably want to download the whole suite of tools, but he also has a link on that page to the add-on jus... See more
Since PPTX files are created through MS PowerPoint, you should try the program called Translator Tools, developed by Stanislav Okhvat, which you can find at . It's free, lightweight, and easy, plus Stan is very open to feedback or questions. You'll probably want to download the whole suite of tools, but he also has a link on that page to the add-on just for PowerPoint. Although I haven't used it for PowerPoint files, I have found it useful for MS Word. I learned how to get rid of tags in it from a Youtube video made by CATguru at , which teaches you how to use the Document Cleaner function in Translator Tools.

All those tags are indeed irritating, and it's really nice to see a nice clean document after running Document Cleaner. Hope that helps!

[Edited at 2016-06-25 04:13 GMT]

Frank Zou
Frank Zou  Identity Verified
Trung Quốc
Local time: 06:31
Thành viên kể từ 2016
Chinese to English
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It works fine for MS word Jun 25, 2016

Catherine V. Howard wrote:

Since PPTX files are created through MS PowerPoint, you should try the program called Translator Tools, developed by Stanislav Okhvat, which you can find at . It's free, lightweight, and easy, plus Stan is very open to feedback or questions. You'll probably want to download the whole suite of tools, but he also has a link on that page to the add-on just for PowerPoint. Although I haven't used it for PowerPoint files, I have found it useful for MS Word. I learned how to get rid of tags in it from a Youtube video made by CATguru at , which teaches you how to use the Document Cleaner function in Translator Tools.

All those tags are indeed irritating, and it's really nice to see a nice clean document after running Document Cleaner. Hope that helps!

[Edited at 2016-06-25 04:13 GMT]

Thank you for your suggestion.
Actually I installed it for evaluation about a month ago. It works fine for MS word, but doesn't very well for PPTX. Almost the same tags remained after I used its tag cleaner.

Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 18:31
Portuguese to English
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oh, dear... Jun 25, 2016

Hmmm, that's too bad, sorry to hear that. Did you also download the PowerPoint add-on? From the Translator Tools page, it was hard for me to tell if this add-on was part of the full suite or something extra. At any rate, if you don't have it, here's the page with that add-on:

If that doesn't work, let me know and I'l
... See more
Hmmm, that's too bad, sorry to hear that. Did you also download the PowerPoint add-on? From the Translator Tools page, it was hard for me to tell if this add-on was part of the full suite or something extra. At any rate, if you don't have it, here's the page with that add-on:

If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll ask an IT friend of mine.

[Edited at 2016-06-25 06:51 GMT]

Frank Zou
Frank Zou  Identity Verified
Trung Quốc
Local time: 06:31
Thành viên kể từ 2016
Chinese to English
+ ...
Conversion to PPT worked Jun 25, 2016

Catherine V. Howard wrote:

Hmmm, that's too bad, sorry to hear that. Did you also download the PowerPoint add-on? From the Translator Tools page, it was hard for me to tell if this add-on was part of the full suite or something extra. At any rate, if you don't have it, here's the page with that add-on:

If that doesn't work, let me know and I'll ask an IT friend of mine.

[Edited at 2016-06-25 06:51 GMT]

I have it, too. Thank you very much. I just converted it into the 97-2003 version - ppt format, and opened it in the editor. All the tags are gone!

Stanislav Okhvat
Stanislav Okhvat
Local time: 02:31
English to Russian
Is it possible to have a look at the PPTX document? Jun 25, 2016

Hello eradicate,

I am the developer of TransTools for PowerPoint which includes Tag Cleaner tool for tag removal.

I am wondering why Tag Cleaner was unable to clean tags from your file. Could you please send the file to "info AT translatortools DOT net" (AT = @ and DOT = .)?

Some CAT tools have certain differences in the way they treat PPTX files (e.g., memoQ may have 0 tags and Studio may have dozens, or vice versa), so in some cases it is impossible to cl
... See more
Hello eradicate,

I am the developer of TransTools for PowerPoint which includes Tag Cleaner tool for tag removal.

I am wondering why Tag Cleaner was unable to clean tags from your file. Could you please send the file to "info AT translatortools DOT net" (AT = @ and DOT = .)?

Some CAT tools have certain differences in the way they treat PPTX files (e.g., memoQ may have 0 tags and Studio may have dozens, or vice versa), so in some cases it is impossible to clean certain tags for a certain CAT tool.

Best regards,
Stanislav Okhvat
TransTools – Useful tools for every translator

Laura Kingdon
Laura Kingdon  Identity Verified
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 23:31
Thành viên kể từ 2015
French to English
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I have the same problem Jun 25, 2016

Stanislav Okhvat wrote:

Hello eradicate,

I am the developer of TransTools for PowerPoint which includes Tag Cleaner tool for tag removal.

I am wondering why Tag Cleaner was unable to clean tags from your file. Could you please send the file to "info AT translatortools DOT net" (AT = @ and DOT = .)?

Some CAT tools have certain differences in the way they treat PPTX files (e.g., memoQ may have 0 tags and Studio may have dozens, or vice versa), so in some cases it is impossible to clean certain tags for a certain CAT tool.

Best regards,
Stanislav Okhvat
TransTools – Useful tools for every translator

This happens for me as well. I can't send the files for reasons of confidentiality, but I can say that Tag Cleaner works well in MS Word, but not usually in PPT, and that it seemed to work better in PPT before the most recent update to Studio 2014. Also, the tags are still present in Studio, but the information coded in each tag is the same - same font, same colour, same size, etc. It's like Tag Cleaner standardized things as it's supposed to, but then the tags stayed anyway.

RWS Community
RWS Community
Vương Quốc Anh
Local time: 00:31
You could always try... Jun 25, 2016

... removing the tags once they are in Studio:


Why not try the new SDL Community

Catherine Howard
Catherine Howard
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 18:31
Portuguese to English
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Sounds like Translator Tools did the trick Jun 26, 2016

From the OP's last post, it sounds like the problem is solved. He converted the file to the 97-2003 version (I'm not sure why he did, but he had his reasons), put it through Translator Tools, and, as he concluded, "All the tags are gone!"

So I don't think he needs more help, and subsequent posters might try what he did too to solve their problems.

I must say, I think it's really cool that Stanislav Okhvat chimed in to help and invited the OP to send him the file to che
... See more
From the OP's last post, it sounds like the problem is solved. He converted the file to the 97-2003 version (I'm not sure why he did, but he had his reasons), put it through Translator Tools, and, as he concluded, "All the tags are gone!"

So I don't think he needs more help, and subsequent posters might try what he did too to solve their problems.

I must say, I think it's really cool that Stanislav Okhvat chimed in to help and invited the OP to send him the file to check it out personally. That's been my experience with him too, an incredibly responsive developer. Thumbs up!

Prasann Harankhedkar
Prasann Harankhedkar
Ấn Độ
Local time: 04:01
German to English
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Under View_Options Jun 27, 2016


I am not very much sure about the PPTX file, but in general Under the "VIEW" at the right most side, you might be able to see the "Options", in which you can enable/disable these tags.


Matthew James Scown
Matthew James Scown
Local time: 00:31
Thành viên kể từ Feb 2024
German to English
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Returning to an old theme - junk tags Apr 17

It's been a long time, but does anyone know if these tools are still under development?
I often find that opening a Word doc in Libreoffice, making one very minor change (like scrolling to the end of the doc and pressing enter) then saving will remove a lot of the junk tags. But it doesn't catch all of them. I've tried all the tools and tricks listed in this thread, but I still have persistent tags in the one document I'm working with.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Liên bang Nga
Local time: 01:31
English to Russian
TransTools Apr 17

Matthew James Scown wrote:
does anyone know if these tools are still under development?
I don't know what you mean by "still under development" because the tool existed then and it still exists now. You can buy TransTools version 3.33.1 for $35 here:
It can clean up tags in one go.

If the tags survive TransTools cleaning, they are just a must in the file (formatting tags, etc.).

[Edited at 2024-04-17 21:08 GMT]

Matthew James Scown
Matthew James Scown
Local time: 00:31
Thành viên kể từ Feb 2024
German to English
+ ...
It's still under development, and it's still effective Apr 18

Stepan Konev wrote:

Matthew James Scown wrote:
does anyone know if these tools are still under development?
I don't know what you mean by "still under development" because the tool existed then and it still exists now. You can buy TransTools version 3.33.1 for $35 here:
It can clean up tags in one go.

If the tags survive TransTools cleaning, they are just a must in the file (formatting tags, etc.).

[Edited at 2024-04-17 21:08 GMT]

The question was whether the tool has been developed in recent years for compatibility with recent versions of Office. Or MS 365, as it's now known. Most old software still exists, but I'd have a hard time installing the OG, 1971, non-edited version of The Oregon Trail onto my phone.

I emailed the developer Stanislav Okhvat about some junk tags the tool *didn't* remove and got a very swift response on how to get rid of them manually. So TransTools gets a strong recommendation from me.

[Edited at 2024-04-18 09:55 GMT]

[Edited at 2024-04-18 10:02 GMT]

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How to hide or remove tags?

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