Polish-French-English index of occupations and businesses
Jewish Records Indexing - Poland | http://www.jewishgen.org/jri-pl/biz...
Polish-French-English index of occupations and businesses
Index polonais-français-anglais des métiers et affaires
Polsko-francusko-angielski indeks zawodów i branż
A glossary of over 3500 names of occupations, businesses and branches of industry in the form of an Excel file. Based on Polish commercial directories from the 1930s and thus does not contain most modern industries. Polish entries use old (pre-1936) spelling.
Related links to KudoZ open glossaries
English to French:
- Kinh doanh/Thương mại (tổng hợp) 4354 terms
- Nguồn Nhân lực 1525 terms
English to Polish:
- Kinh doanh/Thương mại (tổng hợp) 2955 terms
- Nguồn Nhân lực 1122 terms
French to Polish:
- Kinh doanh/Thương mại (tổng hợp) 110 terms
- Nguồn Nhân lực 25 terms
Polish to French:
- Kinh doanh/Thương mại (tổng hợp) 11 terms
- Nguồn Nhân lực 9 terms