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Người gửi thông tin lên tuyến đoạn: Michael Mangelsdorf
Jorge Payan
Jorge Payan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:30
Thành viên kể từ 2002
German to Spanish
+ ...
Have you ever tried DeepL for Windows? Apr 1, 2020

Samuel Murray wrote:


Can anyone here with a DeepL Pro API key please confirm for me if DeepL works with OmegaT? In OmegaT, to add they key, go Options > Preferences > Machine Translation > DeepL > Configure > API key, and then to enable it for a project, go Options > Machine Translate > DeepL.


It will work with any TenT as long as you can copy the text from the source segment to the target segment (Alt+Ins in Studio, F5 in DVX, etc.), mark the text (Shift +End or similar) and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C twice). Or course, all these keystrokes can be replaced with a keyboard macro (which is basically how GT4T operates).


Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Liên bang Nga
Local time: 01:30
English to Russian
Pretranslate Apr 1, 2020

Jorge Payan wrote:
copy the text from the source segment to the target segment (Alt+Ins in Studio, F5 in DVX, etc.), mark the text (Shift +End or similar) and copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C twice). Or course, all these keystrokes can be replaced with a keyboard macro (which is basically how GT4T operates).

Can you pretranslate the entire source text in one go with this method rather than select each next segment and copy it to the clipboard?

[Edited at 2020-04-01 16:46 GMT]

Jorge Payan
Jorge Payan  Identity Verified
Local time: 17:30
Thành viên kể từ 2002
German to Spanish
+ ...
Yes, but only for Word and Powerpoint formats. Apr 1, 2020

Stepan Konev wrote:

Can you pretranslate the entire source text in one go with this method rather than select each next segment and copy it to the clipboard?

[Edited at 2020-04-01 16:46 GMT]

Please see: https://www.deepl.com/blog/20180716.html

It seems that you must be a DeepL Pro subscriber in order to edit the translated file.


Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Liên bang Nga
Local time: 01:30
English to Russian
Thank you Apr 1, 2020

Jorge Payan wrote:
Please see: https://www.deepl.com/blog/20180716.html

This relates to original Microsoft Word or PowerPoin. Actually DeepL does not sell their product in my country because of some tax reasons even though DeepL supports Russian, that is why I am asking.
You mentioned TenT and source/target segments, so I obviously meant pretranslate with a CAT tool, not with their web-site.

Improvements in DeepL Neural Networks May 27, 2020

Deepl Translator has improved its Neural Networks even more, beating Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Translator Services. Take a look at this post.


What are your thoughts on these developments? Is this a cause for concern in the profe
... See more
Deepl Translator has improved its Neural Networks even more, beating Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Translator Services. Take a look at this post.


What are your thoughts on these developments? Is this a cause for concern in the professional written translation field?


Sheila Wilson
Sheila Wilson  Identity Verified
Tây Ban Nha
Local time: 23:30
Thành viên kể từ 2007
+ ...
Not Deepl but... May 27, 2020

I recently proofread the English version of some website text, mainly to do with data protection rights and duties. This was a monolingual checking job. However, it arrived in a Word table, with the German source shown. German is a language I don't really read nowadays -- it rusted away.

The text wasn't that bad, but some sentences were over-complex and "stuffy" to be good English. In fact, some of the segments were so convoluted that I resorted to putting the German through the fre
... See more
I recently proofread the English version of some website text, mainly to do with data protection rights and duties. This was a monolingual checking job. However, it arrived in a Word table, with the German source shown. German is a language I don't really read nowadays -- it rusted away.

The text wasn't that bad, but some sentences were over-complex and "stuffy" to be good English. In fact, some of the segments were so convoluted that I resorted to putting the German through the free Google Translate software to see if it could give any clues. To my amazement, each time I tried, it came up with far simpler sentences that were crystal clear. Whether they were an accurate translation is something I couldn't be sure of, but I suspect they were.

It was a sobering experience and no doubt my comments caused the translator a good deal of consternation.

Improvements in DeepL Neural Networks May 27, 2020

It seems like DeepL has beaten Google Translate and others when evaluated by independent translators. (Take a look at the link above) I have found the quality to be surprisingly good for simpler texts, when texts are more complex it tends to fumble a bit more, but I don't know if these developments will cause more translators to be concerned, like you mention Sheila. Any more thoughts on the matter?

Michael Mangelsdorf
Michael Mangelsdorf  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:30
English to German
+ ...
Technical terms and glossary function May 27, 2020

Due to their proper feeding of the neural network, I recently found the engine is surprisingly good with technical terms, at least in the FR>DE and EN>DE pairs.
Privately tried it with chemistry and biology A level material for my daughter and it did give me a jolt again to have a pleasing and coherent translation output in seconds of a two page technical article with not so much as a typo and docx format retention to perfection... slowly getting there...

Yaotl Altan
Yaotl Altan  Identity Verified
Mê hi cô
Local time: 16:30
Thành viên kể từ 2006
English to Spanish
+ ...
Excellent tip. May 27, 2020

Tom in London wrote:

HINT: ...On the other hand, you could sabotage it by suggesting completely wrong words....

[Edited at 2017-08-30 12:18 GMT]

That's what I've doing since 2010 in GT

Tom in London
Newspaper article May 28, 2020

I just ran a Spanish newspaper opinion piece through the translator and the results were less than satisfactory. DeepL jumbled a lot of words, expressions, and on the whole many parts of the translation were unnatural sounding, translating too literally. I think we're still good, it just performs differently depending on the text.

Kevin Patrick Johnson
Kevin Patrick Johnson
Local time: 07:30
Japanese to English
+ ...
Recently released Japanese-English DeepL May 29, 2020

DeepL didn't have a Japanese-English version until a month or two ago, and I was happy to see it lived up to the hype. It really is the best I've ever seen, although I've never seen the paid services. I had started wondering if this pair was just beyond MT's grasp until DeepL showed up and proved me wrong.

I enjoy feeding it stuff while I'm working to see how it does. It tends to surprise me in a good way, but there are definitely times when it produces unusable crap as well ("This
... See more
DeepL didn't have a Japanese-English version until a month or two ago, and I was happy to see it lived up to the hype. It really is the best I've ever seen, although I've never seen the paid services. I had started wondering if this pair was just beyond MT's grasp until DeepL showed up and proved me wrong.

I enjoy feeding it stuff while I'm working to see how it does. It tends to surprise me in a good way, but there are definitely times when it produces unusable crap as well ("This building is a building type of building...").

One time I fed it a simple advertisement for a dry cleaning service that ended up sounding like a house-cleaning service instead. It even dropped half of the text in the middle, for some reason.

However, it's more often impressive than not, and I can certainly see it getting better.

[Edited at 2020-05-29 02:53 GMT]

Françoise Vogel
Françoise Vogel  Identity Verified
Local time: 00:30
English to French
+ ...
As of today May 29, 2020

Tom in London wrote:

Precisely, Rebecca. You've hit the nail on the head or, translating that into Italian using Deepl "Hai colpito il chiodo sulla testa"

"Hai colpito nel segno"

Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
Cộng hòa Séc
Local time: 00:30
French to English
+ ...
DeepL test today May 30, 2020

oasisunset wrote:
Deepl Translator has improved its Neural Networks even more, beating Google, Microsoft, and Amazon Translator Services. Take a look at this post.
What are your thoughts on these developments? Is this a cause for concern in the professional written translation field?

Just tested it in FR-EN, RU-EN and EN-RU on typical texts I may encounter in my work. Only the texts intended for the general public were translated with some degree of accuracy. Everything intended for a professional eye was rendered into garbage: more than half of the sentences contained serious errors, word usage was inconsistent, phrase structure was borrowed from the source language, and about 10% was completely incoherent. Even though it could have beaten three other MT systems, calling it the best is a misnomer, it is merely the least bad.

Kaspars Melkis
Hans Lenting
Hans Lenting
Hà Lan
Thành viên kể từ 2006
German to Dutch
Context is everything May 30, 2020

Anton Konashenok wrote:

Everything intended for a professional eye was rendered into garbage: more than half of the sentences contained serious errors, word usage was inconsistent

There are ways to overcome that, but MT isn't suited to translate complete texts. MT can be helpful with suggestions for individual segments, when used by professional translators.

Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
Cộng hòa Séc
Local time: 00:30
French to English
+ ...
[duplicate post deleted] May 30, 2020

[duplicate post deleted]

[Edited at 2020-05-30 10:23 GMT]

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