The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Norwegian to English Kinh tế học Translation Glossary

Norwegian term English translation
arrest seizure
avlesningstidspunkt reference point
bedriftsøkonomisk levetid operational financial lifetime
bedriftsøkonomiske avskrivninger operating financial depreciation
betalingsformidling payment transfer / funds transfer / money transfer
Betalingsvansker Payment problems
bringe i motregning mot offset (or set off) against
delfag Joint major, joint degree program
flaskehalsinntekter bottleneck income
IB/UB (inngående/utgående balanse) Opening balance / Closing balance
ikke henførbare merverdier added values that cannot be attributed
innskuddsforpliktelse investment obligation
jappetiden the yuppie era
Kapitalgjenstander capital items
klassifiseringsprinsipper classification principles
Markedsaktør market player
merchanting intermediate trading
nominell skattesats nominal tax rate
overgangsland newly industrialised country
plukklokasjon pick station
rammebudsjettering global budgeting / block budgeting/funding
see sentence x is to be subsumed into the system for the purposes of accounting with effect from
sensyklisk late-cyclical
utløsningssum buyout price
vare- og produksjonskretsløp goods and production cycle
varekurver basket of goods and services
Verdiskapning wealth creation, value creation, value generation, value added, economic growth
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