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CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2015


TM-Town - the next-generation platform for freelance translators

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Schedule:This session ended at 15:50
Description:This session will introduce you to TM-Town - a unique, new platform for freelance translators. You’ll learn how you can leverage this free platform to:
  • Manage your translation memories and terminology glossaries
  • Get discovered in TM-Town’s first-of-its-kind translator search engine
  • Create new multilingual termbases from terms automatically extracted from your prior translations
  • Analyze your productivity
  • Automatically align source and target texts
  • Search your TMs and terms
  • Sell your terminology glossaries on TM-Town’s Terminology Marketplace
  • Easily collaborate with other translators
  • Convert files to any format (TMX, XLIFF, XLS, CSV)
Speakers:Kevin Dias
Kevin Dias is a developer at TM-Town, a next-generation platform for freelance translators.

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Discussion for CAT Tool & Software day session (2015): TM-Town - the next-generation platform for freelance translators
Ahmed Badran Bedir
Ahmed Badran Bedir  Identity Verified
Các Tiểu Vương quốc Ả Rập Thống nhất
Local time: 00:23
Arabic to English
+ ...
TM Town Sep 29, 2015

Dose OCR in TM Town Support Arabic Language?

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..... (X)
Local time: 05:23
Yes Sep 29, 2015

Hi Ahmed,

Yes, TM-Town supports Arabic for OCR. For a full list of the supported languages for OCR, please see this page.


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..... (X)
Local time: 05:23
Recap of Q&A Sep 29, 2015

Thank you to all who attended the TM-Town presentation. In case you missed it, below is a recap of some of the questions asked today.

How does TM Town guarantee the safety of my documents?

TM-Town takes privacy and security very seriously. Any documents you upload are automatically private and secure and can only be viewed by you. To learn more about this please see TM-Town's Terms of Service (I think you will find they are very clear, straightforward and translator friendly). Also here is more info about TM-Town's security policy.

I usually work with Wordfast Anywhere, how can I use TM Town along with WF Anywhere?

TM-Town accepts a few types of Wordfast formats. You can upload Wordfast TMs that are .txt files. You can also upload uncleaned Wordfast Microsoft Word document TMs (.doc, .docx).

As for accessing your TM-Town TMs and Terms from within Wordfast, TM-Town does not yet have an integration with Wordfast (currently only CafeTran with SDL and OmegaT on the roadmap).

The first of its kind search engine? How [does it work]?

TM-Town's first-of-its-kind translator search engine (Nakōdo) compares the terminology of the document that needs translation to the work translators have loaded into the system to find the translator(s) who have translated the most similar work in the past. To learn more (and see a video demo) please see this page.

If this is free, what is your business model? There must be something in it for you...

TM-Town takes a commission on TM-Town Terminology Marketplace glossary sales, and any translations that clients purchase through the site. The idea is to find and develop more services of value to translators and keep growing the community and business from there.

If I will upload my TM, who else will be able to see that TM and use it?

Only you can view/use the documents you upload. If you so choose, you can share the document with another translator for purposes of collaboration.

Does OCR in TM-Town Support Arabic Language?

Yes. You can find a list of all supported languages here.

Does this program support team work for a group of freelancers or it is for individuals only?

TM-Town has a few functions to help you collaborate with team members. You can share documents with selected translators and you can collaborate in real-time on TMs using the CafeTran integration.

Hi Kevin, is it possible to download TMs created in TM-Town from my source & target files?

Yes, you can export aligned TMs created in TM-Town in a few different formats:
- CSV (UTF-8)

Language pairs are limited at three. Why?

TM-Town's mission is to create a better translation world through technology and specialization. Therefore, the restrictive nature of only allowing you to initially choose up to 3 language pairs and 5 fields of expertise is on purpose to encourage you to specialize.

Regardless of the language pairs and fields of expertise you choose when you initially register for TM-Town there is actually no restriction on the number of language pairs or fields of expertise you can ultimately load work in. TM-Town is also built on the principle of "showing" what you can do, not just saying it. Therefore your actual language pairs are determined based on the work you load into TM-Town's system and you can tag each document with up to 3 fields of expertise. Thus it is possible to appear in more language pairs and fields of expertise than your initial choices.

You do get a few special benefits for the initial combinations you choose when you register which are taglines and messages that are specific to a language pair and field of expertise. In other words, you are able to add more customization to how you appear in the TM-Town directory for your chosen language pairs and fields of expertise.

Can you share some figures about the number of translators on TM-Town? and number of searches from clients in a day / a month ?

So far around 2,500 translators have registered for TM-Town. You can view a world map with the number of translators from each country at the bottom of this page.

You can view the number of unique visitors that have viewed your profile at the bottom of your profile page (this is only visible to you).

Do you need special programs or software to use TM-Town?

No just an internet connection and web browser. TM-Town works the best in Chrome and Firefox.

I'd like to know once you've aligned documents or created your glossary on TM-T, can you use the documents in formats that are compatible with CAT Tools?

Yes, you can export/download your file(s) in various industry standard formats (.tmx, .xliff, .xlsx, .csv for TMs and .tbx, .xlsx, .csv for Terms)

How does TM-Town prevent people (and scammers) from uploading someone else's work?

TM-Town requires translators to declare a document when it is uploaded:
-I translated this document myself
-I partially translated this document
-I only proofread this document
-This document is for reference only

If it becomes clear that a translator misrepresented a document the appropriate action will be taken.

TM-Town also has some behind the scenes features to detect public TMs and those documents will automatically be marked as reference only. Regardless, there could/will still be cases where a translator misrepresents document(s) as their own. However, in these cases there are certain red flags and TM-Town takes proactive steps to deal with these issues.

Can I use TM-Town just for hanging out with colleagues and job opportunities and NOT for using for dealing with docs?

Yes, you can! Additionally TM-Town has features such as the new productivity tool that you can get use of without uploading any documents. For more details on how TM-Town is not only for those who can load work, please see this blog post.

Shall I sell my terminology at the price specified by me, or you have fixed price policy?

You choose what price you would like to sell your terminology file at. For more details on selling glossaries on TM-Town, please see this blog post.

Does this program supports different kinds of files including text translation files, sound files, video, or it is for text translation?

TM-Town is only for text translation.

Hi Kevin, when you provide your glossary for approval before posting to TM-Town Terminology Marketplace, are there any specific criteria the glossary has to meet? Is the approval done automatically or by a peer translator?

The approval process is to check a few things:
- That it is truly a glossary and not a TM file (i.e. should be one or two word terms, not full sentences)
- That the glossary is in the correct language pair without any obvious errors
- That the overview, title and description match the contents of the glossary

The approval process is not a judge of the quality of the glossary. After purchasing a glossary translators can leave a rating and feedback on the glossary (quality, usefulness, etc.) which other translators can then check before making a purchasing decision. If you are unhappy with your purchase TM-Town will be happy to refund you.

Thank you all again and if you have additional questions or anything I missed please feel free to comment in this thread.



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