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CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2015


TM-Town - the next-generation platform for freelance translators

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Schedule:This session ended at 15:50
Description:This session will introduce you to TM-Town - a unique, new platform for freelance translators. You’ll learn how you can leverage this free platform to:
  • Manage your translation memories and terminology glossaries
  • Get discovered in TM-Town’s first-of-its-kind translator search engine
  • Create new multilingual termbases from terms automatically extracted from your prior translations
  • Analyze your productivity
  • Automatically align source and target texts
  • Search your TMs and terms
  • Sell your terminology glossaries on TM-Town’s Terminology Marketplace
  • Easily collaborate with other translators
  • Convert files to any format (TMX, XLIFF, XLS, CSV)
Speakers:Kevin Dias
Kevin Dias is a developer at TM-Town, a next-generation platform for freelance translators.

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