8,852 registrants

CAT Tool & Software day

Sep 29, 2015

Virtual conference speakers

Kevin Dias is a developer at TM-Town, a next-generation platform for freelance translators.
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »
Massimo Ghislandi — Vice President Sales & Marketing, Translation Productivity at SDL Language Technologies
Massimo Ghislandi is Vice President Sales & Marketing, Translation Productivity at SDL Language Technologies. A native of Italy, he is a business administration graduate from Bocconi University, Milano, and a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (MCIM). With over ten years of business- to-... read more »
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »
Born in Germany to Portuguese parents, Claudio soon developed a major hobby: languages! He obtained his Master’s Degree from Coimbra University, in Portugal. After working there for several years in various companies operating worldwide, he joined Atril Solutions, working in Paris as Business Deve... read more »
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »
Mr. Law put Fluency on the map in translation technology. As an experienced salesman, he is dedicated to making Western Standard the market leader in translation technology. Since arriving at Western Standard, Mr. Law has led an effective sales campaign that spans the globe.
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »
Igor Kmitowski holds the degree in English Studies from the University of Lodz, Poland. Working as a freelance translator, he learned Java computer language and created CafeTran Espresso to help translators enjoy and profit more from their profession. He currently works with Collaborative Translatio... read more »
This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »
Although before becoming product manager, Gábor was Kilgray's head of development, you’d hardly dare to call him a geek. Besides his mother tongue Hungarian he speaks a fluent English, German, Spanish and some Dutch and Chinese as well. He translated many thousands of pages as a freelance transla... read more »

John Di Rico a commencé à traduire en 2005 et se spécialise dans la traduction financière et marketing du français vers l'anglais. Son entreprise actuelle, ApexTra, est basée à Nice en France.

John a commencé à proposer des formations professionnelles pour traducteurs<... read more »

This speaker is also a ProZ.com professional trainer. See the training courses they offer »