The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Latin to English Phổ biến / Đàm luận/ Chúc mừng / Thư từ Translation Glossary

Latin term English translation
a secretis archivist
Entered by: Lota
ad impetrandos summos honores absoluto Doctoranda declarata est For the purpose of obtaining the highest honours, she has been declared perfectly suitable for a Doctorate
Alter remus aquas, alter biti radat harenas Let one oar skim the water, the other the sand (stay close to the shore)
contulit "conferred, granted"
Entered by: Lota
copiam cum originalu in chario (?) signo publico instructa Please have some research
Entered by: Lota
cor agere heart / to act with; to do, to drive, to lead
cum curriculum studiorum praescriptum cum industria having diligently completed the required course
cum petere To strive together
date written as a.d. IX KAL. IUN anno domini MCMLXXXI May 24, 1981
Entered by: Lota
dies relationis the day the case was referred back to magistrate
Dispensati super impedimentum dispensation granted over the impediment
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
doctoranda declarata est she is declared to receive a doctoral degree
doctorem medicinae et chirurgiae magistr Doctor of medicine and master of surgery
doctoris universae medicinae nomen et honores degree and title of Doctor of General Medicine (MD)
eoram in the presence of x, aged x
Entered by: Lota
Estote bono animo, responsum dignum viro sapienti. “Be of good cheer, worthy advice for any wise man.” (a liberal, not literal interpretation)
et dr. med.univ.confertur ex bgbl. and a doctorate in general medicine is conferred by the Bundesgesetzblatt
Entered by: Lota
extendentia (courses of) study extending
Entered by: Lota
Gradum Magisterii in Negotiorum Studiis Master's degree in business studies
Entered by: Lota
gradus academic cum ceteris nomnibus legitimis (here follow some German degrees) an academic degree with the rest of the legitimate names.
Entered by: Lota
H.T. Decanus (hoc tempore/hoc titulo) current Dean
H.T. Decanus = hoc tempore decanus, current dean
H.T. Rector Hoc tempore Rector/ The present Rector/The Rector at this time
hic manebunt here they will remain
Entered by: Vicky Papaprodromou
humanitas humanity/humankind
In Diligo this is not latin
in dominam about/respecting the mistress OR for, towards against the mistress
Entered by: Lota
Lupo ovem commisisti you have entrusted the sheep to the wolf
m.p. following a name with one's own hand
magisterii in scientiis (STUDIA) master in science (studies)
Entered by: Lota
Ministeriis Pecuniariis Financial Services
Entered by: Lota
mortuonati et testes nativitatis dead born babies and birth witnesses
nec non omnia iura praescriptis inde consecutum esse confirmat xxx...confirms/declares that he/she has achieved/obtained...and all the rights thereto pertaining
Entered by: Lota
Noli Pugnare duobus do not fight the two of them
nomen et honores title and honours
nos universitatis litterarum vindobonesis h.t. rector KUDOZ rules
Entered by: Lota
nuncupatur in doctrina (medicina generalis) which is called general medicine
Entered by: Lota
omnibus ad quos hae litterae pervenerint salutem nos universitatis gubernatores To all those whom these presents may come, greeting: We, the governors of the university
ordinis decanus dean of the order
orem ipsum delor sit amet consecteteur adipiscing elit sed diem nonsense in Latin (please check glossary before asking this again!)
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