The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Norwegian to English Luật (phổ biến) Translation Glossary

Norwegian term English translation
elektriske opplegg Electric Wiring
hederlig vandel of good standing; a record of upright dealings
Entered by: Alison Waddington
"etter lov av" pursuant to the Act of....
,,,helse og arbeidsmiljø på bygge-og anleggsplassert (Norwegian) health(, safety) and work environmental regulations for building and construction sites
Advokatassistent DNA Paralegal or Legal Assistant, Norwegian Bar Association
Advokatfirma XXX DA XXX law firm (a professional partnership)
aksjelovgivinga Norwegian stock legislation
Allmene hensyn krever påtale general policy considerations call for a CRIMINAL prosecution
allmenngjøringsforskriften General Application Regulations
alt. s.h.m straffeloven alt. i samhold med
arkivlov The Archives Act
Arrest i formuesgoder Sequestration of Assets
ASA public share corporation; public stock corporation (allmennaksjeselskap)
av lovens system based on the legislation as codified
Entered by: jeffrey engberg
Avhendingsloven Alienation Act
avklart utvisningsvedtak final deportation order
avledet anke ancillary cross-appeal
avskjæring disallowance (of tax loss carry-back, -across & -forward vs. evidential estoppel)
«fra det mer til det mindre»-betraktning \"the greater subsumes the lesser\" approach
økonomisk sammenblanding financial commingling / commingling of assets
Åndsverkloven The Intellectual Property rights Act
B.innst.S. nr. 11 Budget Recommendation no. 11 to the Storting
børsforskriften Stock Exhange Regulations
Bedriftshybel m/trekk company lodging w/withholding
begivenhetsnære (contr.) timely evidence; (tort) proof of proximate cause of an event
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
Behandlingsansvarlige Data Controller (UK)
berikelsesgrunnsetningen doctrine of unjust enrichment
Entered by: Helen Johnson
bevertningsbevillinger catering licence
bevillingsdokument administrative decree // divorce decree
Entered by: Helen Johnson
bidragsfogden maintenance enforcement agency/support enforcement office
ble formant (in this context) was admonished
ble lagt til grunn formed the basis, was taken into consideration
Entered by: dmesnier
blitt forelagt rettsbok been presented for the court record
bortfall loss (of tax status); de-recognition
bortfallsgrunn cause for waiver
bringe saken inn for bring the matter/case before
buet the estate
Entered by: David Rumsey
Clarification of sentence please On the tenant\'s insolvency, the (pers.) trustee-in-bankruptcy/(corp.) receiver/ will join in
d.s.o. De Samarbeidende Organisasjoner (The Cooperating Organisations)
Entered by: jeffrey engberg
datagulv raised access floor
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