791 registrants

4th Lawyer Linguist virtual event

Dec 9, 2015


Working as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Court of Justice (Freelancers and In-House)

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Description:Every year, hundreds of lawyer-linguistics throughout the world take part in the UN Universal Periodic Review Process, helping both state and non-state actors get their messages across to the UN Human Rights Council. In this presentation, we will look at what that process entails and how aspiring lawyer-linguists can join the international team that renders it possible.
Speakers:Paula Arturo
Paula Arturo is a lawyer, translator, and former Professor of Law. She is Assistant Administrator of the ATA’s Literary Division and Co-Director of Translating Lawyers, a boutique firm specializing in legal and financial translation. She is an independent lawyer-linguist for the United Nations Universal Periodic Review process of several Latin American States and a legal-linguistic consultant for various international organizations. She has translated several highly technical law books and publications in major international journals for high-profile authors, including five Nobel Prize Laureates, the deans of Yale Law School and the University of Palermo, and other renowned jurists.

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Discussion for 4th Lawyer Linguist virtual event session (2015): Working as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Court of Justice (Freelancers and In-House)
Local time: 02:22
German to English
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How can I access this content? Dec 9, 2015

Could you please let mo know how to access this content?

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 20:22
Spanish to English
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Event taking place at proZ.com Dec 9, 2015

Just visit and register to attend at http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/676/program the entire event takes place at Proz.com at http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/676/program



Local time: 02:22
German to English
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Re: on demand video Dec 11, 2015

Thank you Drew. But it doesn't seem to work. There is no link or video which loads.

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 20:22
Spanish to English
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You need to click on individual session pages & scroll to the bottom Dec 11, 2015

I verified, you can see the videos. Just click on session pages from the program - any session and then scroll to the bottom of that page. So from here http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/676/program select the session you wish to view, click on that link, go to that page, scroll to the bottom to see the embedded video player. This is a flash based player and cannot be viewed on iOs devices.

... See more
I verified, you can see the videos. Just click on session pages from the program - any session and then scroll to the bottom of that page. So from here http://www.proz.com/virtual-conferences/676/program select the session you wish to view, click on that link, go to that page, scroll to the bottom to see the embedded video player. This is a flash based player and cannot be viewed on iOs devices.



Local time: 02:22
German to English
+ ...
working as a lawyer-linguist for the ECJ Dec 11, 2015

Thank you fro your efforts Drew. I have now switched to windows and am still not able to see the video window for this session:

Working as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Court of Justice (Freelancers and In-House)

I can however see the video screens for the sessions that I attended. The ones which were streamed live are now available but the ones which are only on demand, at the bottom of the list, are not accessible.

I greatly appreciate your help.

... See more
Thank you fro your efforts Drew. I have now switched to windows and am still not able to see the video window for this session:

Working as a Lawyer-Linguist for the European Court of Justice (Freelancers and In-House)

I can however see the video screens for the sessions that I attended. The ones which were streamed live are now available but the ones which are only on demand, at the bottom of the list, are not accessible.

I greatly appreciate your help.

Best wishes,

Drew MacFadyen
Drew MacFadyen  Identity Verified
Hoa Kỳ
Local time: 20:22
Spanish to English
+ ...
You're right - the on-demand videos have been fixed Dec 11, 2015

Apologies Veena, you are right - there was an issue with the on-demand content. I have just fixed it and you should now be able to see the on-demand content including the sessions you referenced. Thanks for being persistent & letting me know which videos precisely were not working....I would not have known otherwise.

Have a great weekend,


Local time: 02:22
German to English
+ ...
Thank you Dec 11, 2015

Dear Drew,

Your support has been invaluable, thank you!



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