The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Y khoa (Tổng quát) Translation Glossary

German term English translation
(l/l) litre/litre
*KG 4/5* Muscle Strenght 4/5 (Movement against resistance, but less than normal)
Entered by: Ana Krämer
Abwurf Handing off
antiobstruktive Heimtherapie home bronchodilator therapy
aps anterior/ posterior/ supination
bei (here) in the context of
bei St.n. Eingriff. status post (surgical?) intervention
Eizellreserve ovarian reserve
erweitern augments/acts as a catalyst
Femurrolle femoral condyle
flächenhafte Sehnen aponeuroses
Geröllzyste subchondral cyst
Gl. b. n. Glaukom-Befund negativ
Entered by: Ana Krämer
in durchgeschobener Technik using the percutaneous technique
interstitielle Zeichnungsvermehrung increased interstitial markings
kleieförmig furfuraceous
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
knöcherner Spinalkanal bony spinal canal
Entered by: Emilia De Paola
Knorpelmasse in: „Knorpelmasse wird aktiviert“ stimulating cartilage
MFKl-Basis Base of 1st metatarsal
Entered by: Hannah Gunasingh
mit unterschiedlich deutlicher Ausprägung with varying (degree of) severity
Obstruktionen signs of obstruction
offene Verfahren open surgery or open surgical interventions
ohne Aussage inconclusive
p.o., tg peroral, daily/by mouth once a day/p.o daily
PH-FE Pharma, Forschung und Entwicklung/ Pharma R&D
Piriformiseinkerbung bei piriformis___ brought on by...
R Iº R Iº (resistance to pathogens)
Entered by: Ana Krämer
Rippenserienfraktur multiple adjacent rib fractures
saubere Verhältnisse Clean and without smegma
stumpf voneinander lösbar separable by blunt dissection
Tibia-Oberdach tibial plafond
Verschlusspassage recanalization of the occlusion
Vorderer Kapselschenkel Anterior crus (limb) of the internal capsule
Z. n. Radiusköpfchenfraktur the patient has previously had a fractured head of radius
Zählkontrolle count / swab count / instrument count
zur elektiven Bettenvormerkung to reserve a (hospital) bed for elective surgery
Zwerchfellbuckel diaphragmatic hump
" strichförmig imponierend" appearing streak-like or with a streak-like appearance.
"Ansatzbehälter" preparation vessel / mixing vessel
Entered by: LACtranslations
"bei Zustand nach" status post
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