The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Tiếng lóng Translation Glossary

German term English translation
short sentence Olga's knees turned to jelly....
3. Standbein third string to one's bow
an etwas herumdoktern tinker with/fiddle around
Asche leave as is /referring to the fact that there's nothing left of you after you served in the NVA in the former DDR
auflegen to deejay / spin and scratch / rock the turntable / lay down tracks
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
auspowern to work / burn off something
Brillenetui Glasses case
Bruch last bite
Chunsch am Samstig zu ois zum Znacht? Da isch bitzli chüel aber schön. Kommst Du am Samstag zu uns zum Abendessen? Da ist es etwas kühl aber schön
Daniel trinkt Cocktail aus Strohhalm ... puh der haut ganz schön rein. It really packs a punch.
Das ist wirklich ein fettes Teil! That is one hell of a box!
der Klassenarsch sein class/classroom misfit
die Errungenschaften einer missratenen Jugend... the signs/achievements of a misspent youth
Die klär ich mir she's yours/she's mine
draufhalten to put the pedal to the metal / plough on
Drubbe (Franconian dialect) bunch (or crew)
einen Tick aufs Gas latschen to be a little too accelerator happy
Es wird ein Schuh draus it works both ways/it's a two-way street
Etappenpenner snooze hopper
Gänggelimarkt Flea market
Entered by: Stefanie Sendelbach
Göttergatte lord and master
Grabscherei groping
im Wort stehen have us in their hands/we eat out of the boss-man\'s hand
in die Hose gehen down the pan
Entered by: Louise Mawbey
Kinderschuhen entwachsen come of age
Klemmi uptight
Lampe (slang) conviction (here)
Maederlhaus House of the Three Girls
Entered by: jccantrell
minipli aus kleinsten locken bestehende Frisur
mir stönd all dusse wie *vollpföschte* Vollpfosten: bunch of idiots/looking silly
Neger vor Hütte a cliché/typical stock photo/Captain Obvious
Owell, Unwissenheit erhalten, sind Bliss... oh well, some people might be better off not knowing
pelzig furry
Psychoschiene gefahren and didn't (immediately/simply) assume I was nuts/crazy/mentally disturbed
Rums Kerplunk! Wham! Bang!
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Saisonwendfeuer firing up the season
Schelm im Nacken always up to mischief
Schleimscheißer scumbag/ slimeball/ hypocrite/sweet talker
schneidig slick
schwammig (Bässe) fuzzy
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