The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Luật Thuế & Hải quan Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
esercizio dell'impresa, arte e professione carry on a business and profession
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
GU L Official gazette law no.
Plusvalenze da alienazione immobilizzazioni materiali Capital gains on the sale of tangible fixed assets
a debito debit
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
a piu forte ragione all the more / all the more so / with greater reason
a scandaglio randomly, by sampling
a scarico di following
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
a titolo definitivo in assenza di ricorso As definitive payment in absence of an appeal
a titolo di acconto as advance (payment)
Entered by: Ivana UK
A.A. = Albo Imprese Artigiane / Albo (degli) Artigiani Craftsmen Register
accedere agli sgravi fiscali to gain access to tax reliefs
accertamento induttivo presumptive assessment
Entered by: texjax DDS PhD
Acconto ceduto per interruzione del regime downpayment of tax transferred due to termination of the regime / arrangements....
Accordo di confidenzialità e non uso Confidentiality Agreement and (NDA) Non discloser Agreement
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
Acquiescenza a dec. ctp di pe compliance with decision of Provincial Tax Board for Pescara
Entered by: EirTranslations
acquirer sovraordinato the higher level acquirer
Entered by: EirTranslations
acriticamente indiscriminately
addizionale comunale all'irpef sospesa suspended additional municipal income tax on individual
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
addizionali sulle imposte surcharge on taxes
affrancamento a titolo oneroso release by payment / exemption by payment
affrancare opt for
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
agente in qualità di acting in the capacity of:
ai fini delle II.DD e dell\'IVA for direct tax and VAT purposes
al quale si fa rinvio per quanto non riportato which should be referred to for any matters not covered herein
alimentazione input
Entered by: Norman Buhagiar
all'Iva (opened a) VAT identification number
anagrafi della populazione residente Registry of the resident population
annullamento della ripresa ceasing the re-examination
ANR ruoli non residenti ANR register of non residents
Entered by: EirTranslations
applicazione maggiore ritenuta application/levy of higher withholding tax
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
Assistenza in ipotesi di accertamento Assistance with tax assessments
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
assolvimento di IVA payment of VAT
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
atecnico non-technical
Entered by: Hu Xiufen
atti di dotazione deeds of endowment
atti irripetibili (records of) investigative acts that cannot be repeated
atti, fatti e negozi acts, facts and transactions
attivita' non esercitate non-professional activity/non-habitual job
atto di adesione assessment by consent agreement
atto di contestazione di sanzione (formal) notification of penalty
atto di irrogazione sanzioni decision to impose penalties
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