Archived polls

6120 polls, displaying 5751 through 5800
Which would you consider the most user-friendly?
By Dina Abdo - featured on Aug 21, 2006
N/A 32.0%
Trados 24.5%
Wordfast 21.8%
SDLX 6.0%
DejaVu 5.0%
Other 4.9%
SDL Trados 4.6%
Transit 2000 1.2%
1124 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you agree to your translation fees being reduced on the basis of Trados repetition analysis?
By HelenG - featured on Aug 19, 2006
Yes 25.8%
No 24.5%
Don't own Trados 23.1%
Depends on client 19.2%
Was never asked to 4.0%
N/A 3.4%
1250 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you rely on your intuition for your translation work?
By Elías Sauza - featured on Aug 17, 2006
Yes, but I research 73.7%
No, I always research 18.6%
Mostly 5.4%
What's it? 1.3%
N/A 1.0%
1158 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How many different translation/proofreading projects do you usually work on at the same time?
By Nicole Johnson - featured on Aug 16, 2006
2 - 3. 47.6%
Only one 44.6%
4 - 5 4.1%
More than 5 1.9%
N/A 1.8%
1142 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you use as the home page of your browser?
By sandrita - featured on Aug 15, 2006
Other 49.0%
A blank page 14.0% 12.3%
Online email 11.7%
Online newspaper 9.0%
My ISP 3.8%
A jokes site 0.4%
1139 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ever start to work in the morning without being dressed properly (e.g. in your pajamas?)
By Carla Schaudt - featured on Aug 14, 2006
Quite often 27.3%
Almost always/always 26.7%
Occasionally 23.0%
Never 11.2%
Exceptionally 10.6%
N/A 1.2%
1176 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have you ever suffered from keyboard related "repetitive strain injuries"?
By Athanasios F - featured on Aug 13, 2006
No 58.3%
More than once 20.9%
Yes, once 16.1%
N/A 4.0%
I had surgery 0.6%
969 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Have the CAT tool translation memories impaired your own human memory?
By claudia bagnardi - featured on Aug 11, 2006
Not at all 51.5%
N/A 24.5%
Somewhat 16.8%
Yes 5.2%
Greatly 1.9%
1033 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you refer to paper-based reference materials?
By Paul Appleyard (X) - featured on Aug 10, 2006
Daily 37.2%
Several per week 20.7%
Several per month 14.5%
Several per year 11.4%
What is paper? 11.0%
N/A 5.2%
1130 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is your rate (relative to your normal one) for an urgent job requiring work all night?
By Thomas Johansson - featured on Aug 9, 2006
100% (normal rate) 22.5%
N/A 22.4%
126-150% 21.6%
101-125% 14.1%
176-200% 8.0%
151-175% 7.9%
201% or more 3.4%
1123 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your work comes from other countries?
By Paul Appleyard (X) - featured on Aug 8, 2006
76-100% 39.8%
0-25% 28.3%
51-75% 14.8%
26-50% 14.0%
N/A 3.1%
1144 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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While looking for a very specific and rare term, which source do you tend to trust the most?
By Maciej Andrzejczak - featured on Aug 7, 2006
Internet 33.1%
Specialized dictionary 31.1%
Branch expert 25.3%
KudoZ glossaries 5.1%
Other 4.4%
N/A 1.0%
1148 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of your assignments do you translate using a CAT Tool?
By Rosa Maria Duenas Rios (X) - featured on Aug 5, 2006
76-100% 38.7%
I translate w/o CAT tools 26.8%
1-25% 12.8%
51-75% 11.5%
26-50% 6.6%
N/A 3.6%
1070 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How likely would you work with a demanding and annonying client again?
By Hikmat Gumilar - featured on Aug 4, 2006
Depends on job 40.8%
Unlikely 32.0%
Depends on my workload 20.1%
Likely 4.6%
Other 2.0%
N/A 0.6%
1065 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What would you do if a regular client insists that you do a job outside your specialization
By Ma. Fernanda Blesa - featured on Aug 3, 2006
Accept, talk about field 32.5%
Recommend a specialist 22.6%
Reject it 14.3%
Accept, hire a specialist 14.1%
Accept, no disclaimer 9.1%
Other 5.5%
N/A 1.9%
1100 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you were a final client, would you prefer engaging an agency or a freelancer?
By Levan Namoradze - featured on Aug 2, 2006
Depends on job 47.1%
Freelancer 25.9%
Agency 18.2%
I don't know 7.9%
Other 1.0%
1105 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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If you are not interested in a job offered to you by email, what do you do?
By Ramona Ali - featured on Aug 1, 2006
Reply to decline 76.4%
Don't reply 10.8%
Refer it to a colleague 8.7%
Other (please discuss) 4.1%
1159 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you agree with lowering the weekly limits of KudoZ questions to 45/15 for member/non-members?
By Enrique Cavalitto - featured on Jul 31, 2006
No, keep them at 60/20 35.4%
I don't care 34.5%
Yes 22.6%
I don't know 7.5%
1310 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you ever do mini-jobs (1-2 sentences) for free?
By Nesrin - featured on Jul 28, 2006
Depends on client 43.3%
Sometimes 24.6%
Always 15.6%
Never 10.3%
N/A 3.3%
Depends on text 2.7%
1165 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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As a freelance translator/interpreter, what do you mostly need to improve?
By Nathalie Reis - featured on Jul 27, 2006
Marketing skills 30.1%
Time management 26.6%
Technical skills 15.5%
Linguistic skills 11.2%
Administrative skills 10.4%
Other skills 3.6%
N/A 2.6%
1138 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What percentage of translation tests have you have completed have actually resulted in a paid job?
By Patricia Fierro, M. Sc. - featured on Jul 26, 2006
0 - 10% 42.7%
Over 35% 23.3%
10- 20% 12.4%
20 - 35% 10.5%
Never did a test 7.7%
N/A 3.5%
1101 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you include Translator Notes in your documents?
By BelkisDV - featured on Jul 25, 2006
Sometimes 56.1%
Never 28.9%
Frequently 9.3%
What are they? 3.8%
N/A 1.9%
1055 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you think that cat tools could lead you to a more literal translation?
By Alicia Casal - featured on Jul 24, 2006
No 32.7%
Sometimes 26.9%
Yes 21.3%
I don't know 15.2%
N/A 3.9%
1057 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In technical translations, do you convert between bar and psi?
By Rebecca Garber - featured on Jul 23, 2006
N/A 43.8%
never 20.1%
depends on client, exactly 17.0%
original plus (conversion) 8.4%
depends on client, a range 4.8%
always, exactly 4.2%
always, a range 1.7%
688 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What is the main way used by potential employers and clients to get in touch with you?
By Anne Spitzmueller - featured on Jul 21, 2006
Email 88.0%
Phone 10.0%
Other 0.6%
Messenger 0.6%
Personally 0.5%
Fax 0.4%
1205 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How much of your income is from your biggest client?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 20, 2006
26-50% 27.6%
51-75% 22.0%
11-25% 19.8%
76-100% 12.9%
<10% 8.9%
N/A 8.9%
878 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Literary or non-literary translations? Which makes you happier?
By claudia bagnardi - featured on Jul 19, 2006
Non-literary 40.6%
Literary 22.8%
Either 19.2%
Only in my field 12.9%
Other 2.9%
Neither 1.6%
1138 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How far would you travel to attend a powwow?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 18, 2006
Not interested in powwows 20.0%
Up to 100 km 18.0%
Up to 50 km 15.1%
I don't know 14.6%
Up to 10 km 10.5%
Up to 250 km 9.4%
More than 500 km 8.2%
Up to 500 km 4.2%
1040 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Who is the main breadwinner in your family?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 17, 2006
I am 34.6%
My partner 20.8%
We earn about the same 20.1%
I have no partner 18.0%
Other 6.4%
1210 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you work for a regular client at a fixed salary?
By Ramona Ali - featured on Jul 16, 2006
No 39.1%
Yes, same motivation. 36.9%
Yes, less motivation 11.0%
I already do 6.9%
Other 6.1%
1034 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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what do you do if a client offers you a large project but asks for a discount on your rates?
By Ma. Fernanda Blesa - featured on Jul 14, 2006
Discount of my choice 32.4%
Discount agreed upon 31.4%
No discounts 16.0%
Lower rate 10.3%
Other 4.7%
Reject the project 3.1%
N/A 2.2%
1138 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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You main motivation for answering kudoz questions is
By anonymous - featured on Jul 13, 2006
help others 24.0%
share experience 21.1%
get points 20.4%
learn 11.6%
earn recognition 10.8%
I do not answer kudoz 7.7%
other 4.3%
1228 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you own a BlackBerry?
By Aisha Maniar - featured on Jul 12, 2006
What is a BlackBerry? 44.1%
No, I don't plan to get one 40.5%
No, I plan to get one 9.3%
Yes, it's useful for work 3.6%
Other 2.0%
Yes, it's not useful for work 0.6%
1230 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you find most of the material you translate to be
By Patricia Rosas - featured on Jul 10, 2006
fairly interesting? 58.3%
too technical to enjoy? 13.6%
boring? 13.3%
a pleasure to read? 5.8%
Other 5.7%
compelling reading? 2.1%
N/A 1.3%
1161 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Worse ellapsed period from due date of payment
By Giorgio Tenedios (X) - featured on Jul 10, 2006
Over 3 months 30.2%
Unpaid, no reason given 23.2%
2 - 3 months 17.8%
1 month 12.3%
N/A 6.0%
A few days 5.9%
Unpaid: alleged bad job 4.6%
1044 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Contest of the week: García Márquez vs Hermann Hesse. Whose works do you like best?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 8, 2006
I didn’t read them 41.1%
Garcia Marquez 34.6%
Hermann Hesse 18.6%
I don’t like any of them 5.7%
973 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you contact your customers after delivery to see whether they are satisfied with the job?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 7, 2006
Never 38.8%
Sometimes 27.8%
Always 11.1%
For some clients 10.4%
For some jobs 10.1%
N/A 1.7%
1277 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What was the largest project you ever worked on? (the part you actually translated)
By Ara Mkrtchyan (X) - featured on Jul 5, 2006
Over 100K words 25.0%
25K-50K words 20.5%
50K-100K words 19.7%
10K-25K words 15.2%
Up to 10K words 9.3%
Don't remember 8.0%
N/A 2.4%
1105 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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While translating do you tend to use older constructions or modern more updated constructions?
By Brandis (X) - featured on Jul 4, 2006
I just do what I see fit 65.1%
I mix-up both 13.4%
more modern 12.6%
N/A 5.7%
old is better 2.0%
other 1.2%
932 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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In average, how often do you visit
By Leanne Evans - featured on Jul 3, 2006
Daily 53.4%
All the time 31.5%
Every few days 9.3%
Variable 4.4%
Weekly 0.8%
Rarely 0.5%
Other 0.2%
Monthly 0.1%
1328 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you like least about being a translator?
By anonymous - featured on Jul 2, 2006
Uncertainty 32.3%
Boring assignments 11.9%
Marketing my services 11.0%
Deadlines 10.1%
Working alone 8.2%
Low income 6.6%
Too much work 6.5%
Other 5.2%
Dealing with clients 5.0%
N/A 3.2%
924 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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What do you prefer to read at your leisure?
By Vladimir Dubisskiy - featured on Jul 1, 2006
Classical / Adventures 21.1%
Magazines / Newspapers 16.7%
Thrillers / Suspense 16.4%
Other 12.4%
Non fiction 12.1%
SciFi / Fantasy 8.7%
Have no leisure time 7.0%
Mystery / Horror 3.8%
Don't like reading 1.8%
1051 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Where do you work?
By Orla Ryan - featured on Jun 29, 2006
Separate room at home 58.1%
Your bedroom 21.3%
Other 8.1%
Your own office 5.5%
Employer office 4.2%
Rented office space 2.2%
Internet cafe 0.6%
1243 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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On average, do you feel you get enough sleep?
By Marion Schimmelpfennig - featured on Jun 29, 2006
Yes 39.6%
No, but I manage 31.3%
No, and it shows 13.9%
I catch up on weekends 9.0%
I catch up during the day 5.0%
Other 1.2%
1209 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How often do you attend to any activity related to education in your career as a translator?
By Lorenia Rincon - featured on Jun 27, 2006
Never 30.5%
More than once a year 25.3%
Once a year 15.2%
Other 10.6%
Every 2 - 5 years 9.3%
Every 1 - 2 years 9.1%
976 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you like to be a site moderator?
By Enrique Cavalitto - featured on Jun 26, 2006
No 57.3%
I don't know 19.2%
Yes, KudoZ 8.8%
More than one type 7.4%
Yes, forums 4.1%
Yes, jobs/BB 3.1%
1118 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Do you understand what you translate?
By Nicolas Coyer (X) - featured on Jun 25, 2006
Always 49.8%
Usually 45.4%
Sometimes 2.7%
N/A 0.8%
Never 0.6%
Doesn't matter 0.6%
999 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How did you find out about
By Niraja Nanjundan (X) - featured on Jun 24, 2006
Surfing the Web 60.7%
Through colleagues 28.3%
Other 6.9%
Read about it 2.9%
Conference 0.8%
Powwow 0.4%
1139 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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Would you be willing to act as mentor guiding new users in
By Enrique Cavalitto - featured on Jun 22, 2006
It depends 39.5%
No 34.3%
Yes 20.3%
Other 6.0%
1006 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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How does the Futbol World Cup affect your working schedule?
By anonymous - featured on Jun 21, 2006
Not interested 41.3%
When my country plays 19.0%
Not much - too busy 14.1%
I stop during many games 10.7%
I watch while working 10.4%
Other 4.5%
1142 vote(s). You have voted on this poll.
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6120 polls, displaying 5751 through 5800