The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

French to English Phổ biến / Đàm luận/ Chúc mừng / Thư từ Translation Glossary

French term English translation
épargner mask (off)
équipés serviced
équipement des pools d’engins fleets of farm machinery
équipements de villas furbishing / fitting out [/ decorating] of villas
était parvenu auparavant à entraîner la conviction de had previously succeeded in convincing the Reichsleiter
étendu extensive / comprehensive
éviter de faire exploser le standard téléphonique to avoid overloading the telephone network (switchboard)
évoluer fluctuates
être à l'image de wishes to reflect both its clients and society.
être à l’esprit de tous on everyone\'s mind
être marqué made an impression on me
Entered by: Sandrine Guyennet
être valorisé to be recognized
« fout dans la merde» gets her into shit/causes her shit
Ça a fait tilt Something clicked
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Étant donné que Given the fact that...
bal populaire dance
ballader dans tous les coins they sent us all over the place
banalisation trivialization
Banco les lève-tôt The early bird catches the worm
banlieusarde girl from the suburbs
bar associatif social club
barre tirée dans des blancs crossed out blank spaces
barre tirée dans des blancs blank spaces struck through / ruled off
Entered by: EirTranslations
bassin de natation lap pool; training pool
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
bastion stronghold
Entered by: Salman Hossen
battu en brèche superseded
bécasse losers
Bésicles specs
béssanier hedgerow
Entered by: Jessica Crockett
Beaucoup, passionnément, infiniment... Truly, passionately and to infinity....
BGTA Deux Paris CDG 2nd Brigade, Air Transport Gendarmerie
Entered by: Lara Barnett
bien appelée indeed called
bien confraternellement Yours Sincerely or Your colleague
bien travailler We have a lot of work to do / We have a lot of work on our plates !!!
bifurcation cutting corners
billes beads
Entered by: Dareth Pray
BIM (boucle d'induction magnétique) Induction Loop (IL)
Entered by: Tony M
blocage de lots hold on shipment
blondin fair-haired child / boy / lad / (young) man
Entered by: Tony M
boîte à gras piggybank / hidey-hole /stash
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