The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

German to English Chứng nhận, Bằng cấp, Giấy phép, Sơ yếu lý lịch Translation Glossary

German term English translation
p.Tr. nach Trinitatis
PASS(-ERSATZ) (replacement) passport
Pünktlichkeit war für ihn selbstverständlich punctuality was one of his key strengths
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Personenstandsbuch civil status register
Pflege im Gruppensystem group approach to care
Pflegesituation helping/assisting the elderly into care/a care home
PKzA candidate for police inspector
PO PO – Prüfung ohne Veranstaltung - self-study leading to exam
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
Polizei-Gefreiter police constable
Entered by: GWM123
Postschaffner postman
Praxisanleiter/-in placement supervisor
Produkt-Roadmap Product roadmap
Projektverantwortlicher project manager
QO „Qualifikationsarbeit ohne Lehrveranstaltung“ (‚Selbststudieneinheit’) - independent study for credit
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
Rahmenpr�fungsordnung General Examination Regulations
Raum-, Material- und Textilpflege building, fabric and textile maintenance
Entered by: monbuckland
Röntgenverordnung für den Strahlenschutz X-Ray Ordinance for Radiation Protection
Rückmeldestatus/Rückmeldung re-registration state/re-registration
Realschule intermediate secondary school
rechtmäßig verbundene Eheleute legally married
Rechtspflege Law
Rechtspolitk legal policy
Entered by: Ana Krämer
Rechtswahl bei Auslandsbeteiligung choice of law if at least one foreign citizen is involved
Entered by: Renata von Koerber
Reflexionen feedback
Regelst. zeit standard period of study=6 semester
Reklamations- und Beschwerdemanagement Customer Service and Complaint Management
Entered by: Susan Madden
Rolle stromaassoziierter Faktoren bei der retroviralen Transduktion hämatopoetischer Stammzellen mit dem humanen MDR1-Gen role of stroma-associated factors in the retroviral transduction of hematopoietic stem cells with the human MDRI-Gen
Rz Registerzahl
sA samt Anhang - plus interest and costs
Entered by: Asya Sokirko
sachinteressiert interested in the subject
sachliche und zeitliche Gliederung curricular requirements
Sandmalerei painting with sand/sand painting
Schallschutzberechnungen acoustic insulation calculations
Schaltplan *Werbung* placement [coverage] plan/schedule
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Schnittstelle zur Entwicklung that devices/equipment be inspected in the department as an interface to development
Schul- und Rechtskunde Educational Management and Law
Schulsportzentrum college prep school specializing in athletics
Schweisstechnische Kursstätte Welders Training Centre (Institute)
Schwerpunktprofilbereich core subjects
secondo loco short listed for....
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