The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Italian to English Tiếp thị / Nghiên cứu thị trường Translation Glossary

Italian term English translation
sopprimibile/insopprimibile optional/necessary
sostanze del benessere veritable assets
sotto misura agriturismo sub-measure agritourism
Entered by: Maria Burnett
sovra campionamento over-sampling
sovracopertina materica textured outer cover page
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
sovrapigna book pile header
spazi di mercato market opportunities
spazi non solo di consumo ma di relazione places not just for consumption but for socialising
specificatori specifiers
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
spendibile in comunicazione useful in terms of advertising
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
spese-scorta bulk shopping
Spiegare fa rima con collaborare Explanation ryhmes with cooperation
Entered by: Kate Chaffer
Sportello qualità Quality centre
spremuta bunch
standing image/reputation/appearance
stato di frontiera borderland
stendardo banner
strillo teaser
strillone banner
Entered by: Cedric Randolph
strumento di valorizzazione del gruppo a team building tool
Entered by: EirTranslations
struttura integrata integrated organisation /unit
Entered by: Dana Rinaldi
strutture di senso structures of meaning
strutture e impianti production plants and facilities
Entered by: Dana Rinaldi
studio dimensioni cognitive cognitive dimension study
stufa in olle ceramic-tiled stove
Entered by: Olga Buongiorno
su tutte le principali vie di comunicazione covering/using all means of communication
Entered by: Maria Burnett
subfornitore subcontractor
Entered by: Serena Tutino
superare la boa celebrate the landmark
supporto medium/media
sviluppo il mercato italiano dell’innovazione development of the Italian market for technological innovation
taglio editoriale editorial style
Entered by: Maria Burnett
tanta ma tanta lots and lots
targa da banco countertop sign
Entered by: Alessandra Meregaglia
target medio basso medium to low socioeconomic status target group
tavolo desk
Entered by: Silvia Prendin
Tele tetto canvas canopy
teli side awnings/side cloth
tempi di realizzazione completion time
Entered by: Serena Tutino
terzi simpatizzanti Friends and supporters
Entered by: EirTranslations
testimoniale endorser
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