9,149 registrants

Marketing & Recruitment day

Sep 28, 2016

Conference recap


Date: Sep 28, 2016
Registrants: 9,149
Attendees: 4,711
Sessions: 11


Group discussion

General Chat

Time: 12:00 to 19:00

Diversification for Translators: Developing Multiple Income Streams

Time: 12:10 to 13:10

Tablet Interpreting: Tips, tools and applications to make the most of your tablet while interpreting

Time: 13:25 to 14:25

Panel discussion - what makes a great ProZ.com profile

Time: 14:35 to 15:25

ProZ.com Mobile: The translation workplace anytime, anywhere

Time: 15:45 to 16:15

What agencies are looking for when hiring and retaining interpreter talent

Time: 16:30 to 17:35

Translation industry around the Olympics

Time: 17:40 to 18:20

Find direct clients and run a business that you love

Time: 19:00 to 19:05

How to Sell More: Effective Sales Strategies for Translators and Interpreters

Time: 19:05 to 19:10

Understanding Your Client: Is Your Client Always Right?

Time: 19:15 to 19:20

10-tip survival kit for professional translators/interpreters

Time: 19:25 to 19:30

Conference feedback

Another year, another amazing event! Many thanks!

Member since: Mar 17, 2008

I really liked that the speaker spoke in a clear and engaging way that was a pleasure to hear. Of course the contents were interesting as well, we had an overview of different possibilities for income diversification, their pros and cons. Very useful, thank you!

Ana Mongelos García
Member since: Dec 12, 2016

Excellent! I learned a lot.

Neal Allen
Member since: Oct 11, 2007

Thank you for organizing such an interesting event! I've learnt a lot

Anna Tzitayat
Member since: Sep 7, 2016

I simply loved the presentation on interpreting and tablets! Josh and Alex made an excellent job at explaining different aspects, from what is available in the market to a great demo on consecutive interpreting with a tablet. Thank-you!

I appreciate the opportunity to access the recording of the sessions and watch them at a convenient time, since my time zone was not ideal for following and actively participating. The chats were probably already past peak time when I joined. I hope to be able to follow one of the live sessions on Saturday.

Elena Woontner (X)
Member since: Nov 7, 2002

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Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
16:58 Jun 26, 2014 Ed Santiago: 1940335 All Thanks you!
16:58 Jun 26, 2014 Ed Santiago: 1940335 All Thank you! (correcting)
18:33 Dec 18, 2015 Caro Ferraresi: 2152309 All yo no
18:33 Dec 18, 2015 Horacio R. Dal Dosso: 33467 All No trabajo para agencias
18:33 Dec 18, 2015 Patricia Edith Alvarez Celia: 34749 All Del exterior recibí pagos por Paypal, y transferencia bancaria de un cliente que solo se manejaba de esa forma, pero como los montos eran chicos me significó mucho el descuento de iva y gastos
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Walter Wekkesser: 1666381 All Paypal no acepta pesos argentinos por ahora, hay que ver qué pasa más adelante
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Marcela Greco Laniella: 35428 All Wow! Sos un experto en conseguir clientes directos Eduardo!!! :D
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Caro Ferraresi: 2152309 All Te decuentan IVA? Todo eso no se puede hacer que se traslade al precio final?
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Entiendo. A mí me realizaron pagos chicos en Paypal, pero no sé cómo cobrar eso, así que los tengo en mi cuenta :P
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Patricia Edith Alvarez Celia: 34749 All Sabrina, pueden transferirte del exterior, pero cada banco tiene sus restricciones, a veces te piden 6 meses de antigüedad en la cuenta
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Caro Ferraresi: 2152309 All En tu cuenta? De PayPal, atonon?
18:34 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Gracias, Patricia
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Patricia Edith Alvarez Celia: 34749 All Y al cliente hay que mandarle unas coordenadas especiales que te da el banco.
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Sí, Caro.
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All ¿Alguien probó Payoneer?
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Caro Ferraresi: 2152309 All ah
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Horacio R. Dal Dosso: 33467 All No
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Coralia Maskavizan: 2037077 All ¿Cómo puede hacer uno para cobrar el saldo PayPal?
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Marcela Greco Laniella: 35428 All Si, yo probé, pero no aceptan cualquier banco para asociar la tarjeta de débito Lucía
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Imagino que todas las formas de cobro implican alguna comisión. El tema es saber cuál cobra menos
18:35 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Tengo entendido que Payoneer ofrece recibir fondos desde cualquier lado y cobrarlos por cajero con un atarjeta
18:36 Dec 18, 2015 Patricia Edith Alvarez Celia: 34749 All Está bueno eso de Payoneer, habría que probar
18:36 Dec 18, 2015 Patricia Edith Alvarez Celia: 34749 All La transferencia bancaria es costosa, conviene si el monto a cobrar es elevado
18:36 Dec 18, 2015 Lucia Leszinsky: 855539 All Con qué bancos intentaste o de qué bancos sabés, Marcela?
18:36 Dec 18, 2015 Caro Ferraresi: 2152309 All alguien me dijo que para cobros en dólares te abren una cuenta en el exterior y vos podés sacar en pesos?