9,149 registrants

Marketing & Recruitment day

Sep 28, 2016

Conference recap


Date: Sep 28, 2016
Registrants: 9,149
Attendees: 4,711
Sessions: 11


Group discussion

General Chat

Time: 12:00 to 19:00

Diversification for Translators: Developing Multiple Income Streams

Time: 12:10 to 13:10

Tablet Interpreting: Tips, tools and applications to make the most of your tablet while interpreting

Time: 13:25 to 14:25

Panel discussion - what makes a great ProZ.com profile

Time: 14:35 to 15:25

ProZ.com Mobile: The translation workplace anytime, anywhere

Time: 15:45 to 16:15

What agencies are looking for when hiring and retaining interpreter talent

Time: 16:30 to 17:35

Translation industry around the Olympics

Time: 17:40 to 18:20

Find direct clients and run a business that you love

Time: 19:00 to 19:05

How to Sell More: Effective Sales Strategies for Translators and Interpreters

Time: 19:05 to 19:10

Understanding Your Client: Is Your Client Always Right?

Time: 19:15 to 19:20

10-tip survival kit for professional translators/interpreters

Time: 19:25 to 19:30

Conference feedback

Thank you very much for such a wonderful presentation, unexpectedly useful for me, opening up my vision. And really, you are the talented presentator, to top it all I enjoyed your language and manner of addressing.

Very interesting presentations! I really enjoyed them.

Eurico Barros
Member since: Jun 10, 2014

I really liked that the speaker spoke in a clear and engaging way that was a pleasure to hear. Of course the contents were interesting as well, we had an overview of different possibilities for income diversification, their pros and cons. Very useful, thank you!

Ana Mongelos García
Member since: Dec 12, 2016

Excellent! I learned a lot.

Neal Allen
Member since: Oct 11, 2007

Thank was a great day with a lot of interesting presentations. I can't wait for the next sessions. :)

Martyna Skup (X)
Member since: Nov 14, 2016

Useful presentation, good tips, several ideas to work on in the future. Thank you!

Member since: Jun 12, 2008

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Chat session:

Chat session is based on session start and end time. There may be some overlap.

Time From To Content
20:45 Dec 18, 2015 Ines Garcia Botana: 46506 All y sí. Así es.
20:45 Dec 18, 2015 Malena Asteggiano: 1760689 All Y sí, la verdad es que hace tres años que casi no tengo vida social. Trabajo desde casa, salvo cuando doy clases de inglés. En verano uno sale al mundo, jaja.
20:45 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All Corinne McKay y Eve Budeoux: http://thoughtsontranslation.com/2015/01/15/video-the-why-and-how-of-finding-a-translation-partner/
20:46 Dec 18, 2015 Ines Garcia Botana: 46506 All Excelente Corinne
20:46 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All Chiara Rizzo y Barbara Ronca: http://www.doppioverso.com/
20:46 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Jajaja, te entiendo, Masteggiano.
20:47 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All A mí me permitió trabajar y estar cerca de mis hijos
20:47 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All Gracias por los links!
20:47 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All Siempre Corinne McKay, pero por escrito: http://thoughtsontranslation.com/2015/08/18/a-translation-partner-why-you-need-one-where-to-find-one/
20:47 Dec 18, 2015 Malena Asteggiano: 1760689 All Yo no sé cómo establecer pausas. Y no es que esté llena de trabajo, pero me cuesta muchísimo desconectarse. ¿Cómo hacen?
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Uffffff
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 Malena Asteggiano: 1760689 All desconectarme*
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Cuando mis hijos eran chicos las pausas venían solas!!!
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All Masteggiano, intentá con la tecnica pomodoro
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All A mí la técnica pomodoro me servía!
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All a mi no me interesa mucho, pero hay muchas gente que la utiliza con exito
20:48 Dec 18, 2015 Malena Asteggiano: 1760689 All La intenté. No dio resultado...
20:49 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All qué es eso???
20:49 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All El tema es que como trabajo con videos, no sé, me engancho y sigo viendo.
20:49 Dec 18, 2015 Anabella Tonon: 1019276 All O busco algún nombre y voy de link en link
20:49 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All Se trabaja con un temporizador que cada 20 minutos te recuerda hacer una pausa
20:49 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All http://pomodorotechnique.com/
20:50 Dec 18, 2015 MariselW: 817651 All Gracias Sea, voy a probar
20:50 Dec 18, 2015 pcs_MCIL: 141942 All ;)
20:50 Dec 18, 2015 Sabrina Polverino: 93821 All Gracias, Sea